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B: I'm getting married next Sunday.

EW: Sorry, what did you say? I guess I heard it wrong.

B: I. I really am getting married to my parent's friend's son.

EW: Do you even realize what you are saying? Is this some kind of joke to you?! How can you get married to someone else ? That's too when you are still in a relationship with me?

B: Please listen to me.

EW: What is there to listen anymore.! Just tell me one thing. Were you just playing with my feelings all this time?

B: No.. Baby trust me you are the only person I've ever loved. But I have no option. I have to do this. You can't even imagine how I'm feeling right now. You know the moment you proposed to me I really wanted to say yes and cover you with lots of hugs and kisses. But I really can't.

EW: Why? Why can't you accept my proposal even after dating me for over 5 years?

Both of them were crying bitterly. Within a few minutes the happy environment turn into a sad one. Bin requests Eunwoo to sit down for a while and listen to him. He then tell him everything starting from his birth to his father's emotional blackmail. At the end both were once again a crying mess. Everything was silent for a few minutes. Then after a few minutes what feels like an eternity to Bin, Eunwoo open his mouth.

EW: So you are choosing your mom over our love?

B: Sorry Eunwoo, but I wanted my mom to be happy. She never asked anything from me. For the first time she requested me to fulfill her promise. I couldn't say no to her. I had to sacrifice our love for the smile on her face. Please forgive me.

EW: Please don't cry. You once again proved that I choose the right guy to give my heart. I'm proud of you. I'm happy that you didn't because selfish and choose me over your mom. I'm with you, don't worry.

B: What do you mean by you are with me?

EW: I'm supporting your decision, you idiot. Don't feel guilty. I'm absolutely ok. So.Focus on your wedding now. Ok? By the way, how is he? Is he pretty? Or h.handsome or or hot?

B: Have you gone mad? What are you saying.? Eunwoo I'll die without you. I wanted you to find a solution for this problem. I wanted you to take me away from here. But what nonsense are you saying now?

EW: Don't be childish. If you back away from the wedding then it will hurt your mom. It will ruin your family reputation and that innocent boy's life. And how long will we keep running away from our dear one? So it's better to accept the fact. We don't have any hand in our destiny. So just accept that you weren't made for me..or I wasn't Lucky enough to get you.

B: Don't you love me anymore? Will you be able to live without me?

Eunwoo kept silent. He knew he also can't live without his Bin. But both of them are helpless.

EW: I love you and I always will. But now it's your turn to prove yourself as a good son. So please do as they say. Try to forget me, forget us and our love. Time will make everything easier. So best of luck Binnah.
With this Eunwoo walk away while wiping his tears away. Moonbin was desperately trying to stop him, but he didn't stop. And within a few seconds he was out of bins vision. He just got vanished in the sea of crowd. Bin tried calling him but he wasn't responding. After trying and crying for a good amount of time Bin got exhaust and drag his body towards his car and them his home. He was crying all his way to home too.

Upon entering inside the house he finds his mom and elder brother inside the kitchen. His mom was in wheelchair saline attached with her. Still it can't suppress his jolly facade. She seems happy.

ONE MORE CHANCE (MyungHa)Where stories live. Discover now