Slowly Passes Time

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Millicent paced around the cold broom cupboard, it had been a while since she'd been in here, and it smell no more pleasant than it had back in the years before

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Millicent paced around the cold broom cupboard, it had been a while since she'd been in here, and it smell no more pleasant than it had back in the years before. Like mildew, wet earth, and week-old pumpkin juice. "Must we meet here...the Room of Misplacement always reaks." Draco scowled holding his nose as he entered, Tabitha, Marcus, and Rabanus behind him.

" Please you toot worse smells, grow up," Millicent said waving off Draco's complaints. Rabanus snickered, "its true." he said with a shrug. "anyway what's the meaning of this why are we here?" Draco said quickly grasping for a change of subject.

Millicent carefully pulled out the letter she had received and her ring. She passed the letter around and waited patiently for the others to read it. "We don't have any uncles named Cicero." Draco said handing back the letter. "This came from the new guest speaker? the man must be creepier than he looks. We should tell Father." Draco said.

"You could probably should do. This man could be mixing Millicent up with someone else, but she said it went to Snape's office first. Cicero knows who Millicent is connected with. Who Lucius has about looking after her." said Rabanus. 

"He pointed me out in class like he knew exactly who I was." Tabitha chimed in.

"He didn't look at me at all," Draco said.

"In the letter, he doesn't seem too terribly fond of Malfoys, so maybe he wouldn't pay you any mind," Marcus said looking down at Draco.

Millicent held up the ring and examined it, "I wonder where this comes from." she muttered, Tabitha started to rummage through her book bag. "maybe there's something on it in the book." she said.

Rabanus crossed his eyes and glanced to the side in annoyance, "is there some reason we all have to be here for this? It's a little weird, sure. But I've got things to do." He murmured. "Stop complaining Dobbs, your job is to put up with things like this." Draco said. Rabanus rolled his eyes, "I'm not a lackey Draco." He said.

"and who told you that lie?" Millicent asked with her brows raised. "I only keep minions," Millicent mused reaching out she gave Tabitha's head a pat with a proud smile. Rabanus blinked a few times at Millicent and shook his head in defeat. "Look!" Tabitha gasped swatting Millicent's hand away she held out the book.

"it's not a ring but this scepter here kind of looks like the ring." Tabitha said. Millicent's eyes grew wide "A scepter.....royalty had scepters right?" Millicent asked she drew in an indignant breath, "then why give me a silly little ring, I want a bloody scepter and I want one with my name on it." Millicent said, "One of you tell Mr.Cicero he can return this ring and get a refund." she added.

"Oh shut up Millie, this might be serious." Draco scolded. "You're here so I don't have to be serious." shot Millicent. "Do the big brother thing and figure it out for me, like you're supposed to do," Millicent said flashing her best innocent smile. Draco glared. "I guess you can say this is all a little......Riddikulus." Rabanus mused quietly to himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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