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Chapter 4

We wake up and go straight to class, skipping breakfast for an upcoming lesson about concealment.

"Natives are visible for many reasons, make sure to keep in mind everything I say whilst in battle. Form is an essential one; loosen your shape, cut up the frame's outline and blend in with the environment. Any shine like a mask, or reflective objects on your individual, inclusive of the face, cast off. Shadows are every other indicator when you or someone else is drawing near. Move in the back of lighting fixtures whilst possible. If not able to move in the shadows, the human shadow is effortlessly prominent.

Silhouettes, surfaces, and spacing is likewise very recognizable. The human form is familiar and stands out and keeps low from sky strains. Combined with the surroundings and whilst in a group results unfold randomly. Nature isn't always orderly.

Movement is something that is very critical, matters are seen in particular once they pass. Avoid useless movement unless absolutely necessary. Do you understand?" Harlow states, and my head spins trying to retain everything she had just spewed out.

Zyair and I look at each other, and while my brain catches up I see him smirk. His motives dawns on me all at once and I smirk back. We both know what the other is thinking.

More studying!

We snicker and turn back to the board for more instructions.


Lunch time finally comes around and we all settle into our assigned seats. Meatloaf is the assigned meal for the day, and a collective uproar of groans are released at the sight. No one likes meatloaf.

Everyone settles in comfortably, taking their forks in their hands and grimacing with each bite. I slowly bring the food to my mouth and chomp down when, all of a sudden, splat! A wet substance makes contact with my cheek. I look up and see Zyair laughing, doubled over and caught in a wheeze that appears painful. I wipe the substance from my face, finding it is meatloaf. I smirk at him and dig my hand into my food, throwing it but missing horribly. It hits Evergreen in the back of the head. They reach up and wipe it off their head and turn around to me with an evil grin. A mischievous glint fires in his eyes as he grabs some meatloaf and returns the action. It hits me dead in the nose. The smell runs up my nose and it causes me to gag in my throat. Gross! Suddenly, food is flying everywhere, drenching the tables and its residents in grease.

"Food fight!" Evergreen yells.

We all grab food and toss it in every direction. The walls are caked in meatloaf and the floor is slippery. We all run, screaming and dodging food when we hear a whistle.

"What the hell is going on in here!" Harlow screams.

"Oh shit." Zyair curses.

"Oh shit indeed. Who started this!"

No one says a word.

"Did you not hear me? Who did this?"

"Team 1." Oreno says with a sneer.

"Team One! I expected better from you. You are to clean this whole mess of a dining room, and the rest of you are to go on a twenty minute run. Did you hear me? Go!"

Everyone runs from the room and Harlow stands in the doorway with hands on her hips.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

"W-we weren't." Zyair whispers meekly.

"Well you're going to have to put those brains to use and clean this place top to bottom. The supplies are in the closet. Go, now."

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