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Chapter 12

I walk from the stream back to where camp had been set up. All of the tents were up and the fire was going. The sun was setting and the rest of my teammates were all chatting around the campfire. I walk over to them and sit next to Zyair.

"Omega! Where were you? You tracker said you were here but we didn't know where!" Verdasani asks, shifting her legs.

"I hit my head and knocked out." At least it's true.

Zyair looks at me, sighs and slaps me softly on the face.

"You are literally the clumsiest idiot I know."

"I do agree." I grin back at him.

"Anyway, we have a few hours until we have to leave, do you want to spar?" Zyair asks, and the others continue small talk amongst themselves. Alicona is still absent.

"You're on!"

He stands and goes to a flat area of the meadow and gets into his stance. I copy his movements and get ready for our spar.

"Go easy, we don't have pads." I say.

"We'll see." He shrugs, but I know he will.

He pulls his fists up and throws it close to my face. I duck and kick him in the side. He stumbles back but regains his balance and swings a kick. I back up and just barely avoid it. He starts to swing punches in rapid succession and I have a hard time getting marks on him. He hits me in the face and stomach over and over. It thankfully doesn't hurt but he's definitely winning. I swing a kick and hit his arms, knocking him over. He falls and I jump to pounce on him. He puts his feet up and pushes me off, battering the air from my lungs. He then tackles me to the ground and we roll around fighting to be on top. Laughter can be heard in the background as we spar, though we could care less. We each just want to win. I push him off of me and swiftly grab his arms before he can do anything. He kicks but I manage to avoid the hardest kicks. I put my knees on his hips and pin him.

"I win."

"Whatever." He grumbles.

"Don't be pouty." I tease.

"I'm not! Now get off!"

"Ha, make me!" I say proudly, relishing my victory.

"No, we are not playing this game again. Get off."

"Whatever." I whine and get off of him.

"Now who's pouting?" He asks, pulling himself to his feet.

"Shut up."

"Make me." He smirks, playing at the same thing I did.

"Gladly." I lean in close to his face and kiss him. Fire erupts in my body and the saying of fireworks must be true because I can hear the popping in my ears. It is passionate and everything I've ever needed until Verdasani interrupts.

"Will you two quit for once?." She grimaces.

I pull back and sneer at her. "Again? Stop interrupting."

"No." She puts her hands on her hips.

"Oh Ramia, help us. Anyway, I have something to tell you both. Let's go to our tent."

"I'm not being you two's fuck buddy!" Verdasani calls.

"Uh huh!" I call back and flip her off as we walk.

We head towards our tent and enter it. I tell Zyair to sit while I check to make sure no one followed us. I peek out the tent, watching Oreno on the far side of camp sharpening his knife. Alicona and xer father are nowhere to be seen. I close the tent flap, sitting on my sleeping bag and looking at Zyair. He stares back at me with confused and concerned eyes.

"Magic exists." I blurt, unsure how to start the conversation.

He starts to laugh and looks at me like I made the biggest joke in the world.

"Mega, now isn't the time for jokes, what did you really need us for?" He asks.

"I'm not joking, do I need to prove it to you?!" Frustration leaks into my voice, of course they wouldn't believe me. Verdasani is silent, and Zyair raises an eyebrow at me.

"If this is about that story I told, that isn't real. It's just a children's tale." I groan in annoyance, standing up. Zyair looks confused, eyes wide as if trying to figure out why I'm so upset. I reach into my pocket, grabbing the crystal and rubbing it three times.

"What is this, Aladdin?" Verdasani adds, and I ignore her, thinking of Jillian's house and her pale blue couch. Zyair stares at me like I'm insane, and Verdasani makes to leave until electricity flickers in the air. The sparks grow and then a portal of blue and white swirls open. A white beam shoots out and grabs us, and we are sucked in like a vacuum. We land on something soft.

"Hey guys!" Jillian chirps, not even the least startled to see us back so soon. She hasn't moved. Zyair jumps, snapping his head towards her. He screams, scrambling over the couch and backing up to the wall.

"Zy, Zyair, calm down. She's not going to hurt you."

"The elves exist?" He squeaks out. Verdasani still doesn't speak.

"Yes. Z, this is Jillian. Jillian, this is Zyair and Verdasani." I introduce them.

"I knew elves were real!" Verdasani squeals, looking excited. Jillian smiles at her.

Zyair composes himself and sticks his hand out to greet her. She grabs his hand and he slips it out slightly. I can understand why, he's probably getting used to the chill. They shake and then turn to stare at me.

"Uh- what?" I ask, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"Why are you back here so quickly?" Jillian asks, though it feels as if she had expected it. I flush.

"Oh uh, I'm terribly sorry for the intrusion, I just wanted to prove to them that you were real." Jillian hums, and I can see her looking at Verdasani. Though, a sudden poof interrupts her pondering and suddenly Elowin is here, standing majestically in all her glory. Jillian squeals, hopping up and into her arms. Elowin spins her around, and gives her a quick kiss.

"Why is he still here, and with more humans?" She asks, arms wrapped around Jillian's torso comfortably. Jillian leans her head onto her chest, resting against her breasts.

"Don't worry about it love, they'll be gone after dinner."

"They're staying for dinner?" She raises an eyebrow, though her tone is fond. Jillian nods, standing on her tippy toes and whispering something in her fiances ear.

I caught something along the lines of "consent" and "permission". Elowin whispers something back, and Jillian brightens considerably, gasping and peppering her face in light fairy touches.

Verdasani is staring in wonder, and I can only imagine she's blushing.

"You're beautiful," The recently appeared elf comments, and Verdasani startles.

"Wha- really?" She grins, and Jillian giggles. I watch in confusion, and Zyair doesn't seem much better in terms of puzzlement.

"Mm, in any case," Elowin sweeps her arms under Jillian's feet and scoops her up, to which Jillian squeaks, "Are you all okay with tomato soup tonight?"

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