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Chapter 9





I shoot awake with labored breaths, fear present in my eyes. I really thought my mom was talking to me. She was pale and had dried blood dripping down the side of her head. She stumbled her way over to me and tried to touch me. The chill radiated from her hand as she called my name.

"Omega! You okay?" Verdasani, who had entered the now unlocked room to wake us, asks.

"Yes. Just a nightmare. I'm okay."

"Okay, it's about time to get up so go ahead and get dressed." She tells me.

I rise from the bed, careful not to wake Z. I bend down and pick up his tunic. I throw it over my head and admire the smell of him, comforting in times of panic. I put on my regular combat pants and shoes. Then I lay back down on the bed and cuddle up to Zyair. We lay together for a few minutes before I feel movement and Zyair opens his eyes.

"Hi, babe." he says hoarsely.

"Hi love." I chirp.

"You're wearing my shirt." He points out.

"I am?" I ask cheekily,

"It's mine." He says as if he's stating the obvious.


"Oh my Ramia. It belongs to me and not you, but you can wear it if you want!'' He gives up, to which I laugh and get out of bed. He follows and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

The door then opens and Oreno walks in dressed in a whole new uniform. A Black tunic, black skinny pants, and a rope around the waist. It looks similar to the outfit Zyair found, seemingly ages ago.

"I'm your new commander. You will listen to me."

"Oh Ramia." Sae groans.

"What's so wrong with me?" Oreno asks in a careless tone.

"You're crazy."

"I prefer creative."

"No." Same reprimands.

"Just line up! We have breakfast and then we will grab gear and leave. The newly inserted trackers in your arms are active 24/7, so don't even think about running." He talks loudly.

Zyair and I look at each other and barely contain our laughter.

"I prefer creative!" Zyair says in a gruff voice, mimicking Oreno.

"I heard that, shut up!" Oreno screams. "I will rip out your vocal chords!"

"Used that one before!" Sae yells.

I burst out into heavy laughter, keeling over to the point of pain.

"Omega get it together." Max giggles.

"You're laughing too!" I defend.

"Not as hard as you!" She comes back.

"Everyone enough! Go to the dining hall now!" Oreno shrieks.

"Buzzkill." Sae whispers, snorting.

We all skip from the room to the cafeteria, holding back chuckles from the conversation we just had.

"Zy, that was hilarious." I tell him as we sit at our seats.

"It really was."

We look at each other and giggle again before we start to eat our food. It's pancakes and syrup.

Taken in LiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora