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Chapter 6

Today is the day of the review and the picking of two teams. I am beyond nervous, my heart beats in my ears and I feel a sudden wave of nausea. The pain of dying today and losing Zyair is real. I cannot imagine letting him slip through my grasp so soon after grabbing hold. He's my everything. This day is going to make and break us for at least another day or two.

"Everyone up! Just because you get your results today doesn't mean that you can slack!" Harlow yells.

We all rise from our hard beds and get ready as we did the first day. We walk to the dining area in silence and eat in absolute quiet. Fear is taking hold of everyone and no one has the courage to be the first to speak. The food slides down my throat roughly, and I feel sick, as though I can't stomach anything despite being hungry.

"Training is canceled today! We will be having a long class and then a test. Everything you've learned will be incorporated, so let's hope you didn't goof around. Now move to the classroom."

We rise from our seats and walk into the large room filled with desks and take our seats.

"Okay class, today we have a lot to go over and a lot to test on so get ready."

I turn and grab my notebook and pencil from inside the desk and prepare to write.

"It is always an advantage for the assassin to have at least a basic knowledge of martial arts. Preferences include, jujitsu, aikido, other close quarters fighting styles and maybe one or two distance styles such as taekwondo which involves kicking and jumping techniques. You have learned at least one of these throughout the week, make sure you remember it. There are many techniques to kill a person, including but not limited to, slitting the throat.

Spring forward and cup the enemy chin with the left palm, lifting it clear of the throat. Draw the blade across the throat at the level of the cricoid cartilage, begging at the hilt and stroking to the tip. This attack slices the trachea, preventing any sort of outcry; then cuts deeper, severing the carotid sheath. The target dies within twelve seconds due to oxygen starvation of the brain. Unconsciousness occurs in five seconds.

Then, the kidney thrust. You must spring forward, solidly whipping the left wrist into the enemy's trachea to prevent outcry. The effectiveness of this blow is easily demonstrated by tapping one's Adams apple with only one- twentieth of the force required. This action disrupts the phrenic nerve, causing the diaphragm to cease pumping air in and out of the lungs. Simultaneously drive the knife into the kidney horizontally. Cut to both sides by pushing and pulling the wrist side to side. Death results in thirty seconds and no help of man can prevent it. Next is three basic methods of ambush; from above, below and behind. The initial attack must always be totally incapacitating, while catching the enemy off guard." Harlow maps out bullet points on the board.

This is going to be a long day.

Hours pass and the lessons in martial arts and "assassaning" continue. Eventually we get to the end and the test is passed out. It consists of 50 questions, one of which being a written answer.

"You have the rest of the day to complete this. It's 10 and you have until 2. After dinner we will be giving you your results. Cheating will not be tolerated, understood? Begin."

I look down at the pages and sigh. This will be fun.


Two o'clock is approaching fast. I'm unsure of what time it is now, just as I'm wrapping up my essay. Sweat slides down my forehead and I breath slowly. This is probably the most nerve wracking thing I have ever done. The minutes tick by fast and Harlow walks back into the room.

Taken in LiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя