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Chapter 10

There in front of me is a death trap. The Jungle is filled with dangers and we are about to enter it with one of the most dangerous men in the world. Zyair grabs my hand and we enter right behind Sae and Max. The air is humid and warm and it causes my skin to become sticky. My footsteps are careful as to not step on a snake or poisonous plant. With my luck I will before the day is over.

We continue to walk through the jungle, cutting down every plant and spider web in sight. The trip is silent except for the sound of slight yelps from almost slipping on the mud. We have ten miles to travel and we should make it there by nightfall. We have a tight schedule and we have to be fast and beat the moon, but the terrain does not want to work with us. The dirt cakes onto our shoes and water drips on our heads. The trees stand at a tall height and tower over each of us. Animals scream and chirp above us and prepare to attack if necessary. The mud sloshes as we sink into it and we pull ten extra pounds with each step. Exhaustion weighs over me and pulls at my head to lay down or stop.

"Zyair. Do you have any water?"

"Sure. Here."

He reaches into his bag and grabs a canteen. He passes it to me and I sip the refreshing beverage and pay attention to the way it feels on my tongue. We are going to run out of water eventually and I'm not sure I'm ready for that part of our adventure.


"You're welcome."

We go back to silence and walk for a couple of miles. It is eerily quiet once we reach a certain part of the jungle. There is no movement and no animals. I look around and it seems normal until I see something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over to the others and they never noticed. So I decided to check it out. I stray from the path and into the jungle. I watch my step as I tiptoe from plant to plant. I reached the strange figure I had seen and it was a stake with a mangled head. The head is rotting and flies surround it. The eyes have been eaten out and the mouth hangs open, holes are punctured everywhere and it's a grey color.

"Oh my Ramia!"

I stare in absolute shock and start to gag as the putrid smell reaches my nose. I clasp my hand over my nose and take off running to the others. We are in dangerous territory and they want us to know that.

"Zyair!" I scream as I rush back to the group. The group was already far ahead but I pushed my legs to go as fast as they possibly could. The wind blows through my hair and bugs splatter on my face, but all I can care about is getting back to the safety of an evil man.

After a couple of panicking seconds, I arrive and Zyair looks at me concerned.

"There was a head on a stake!" I scream with true terror.

"There was a what?" Zyair yelps.

"A head! An old head!"

"Oh my Ramia! Adriel!" He calls.


"I think we should turn around since we are in dangerous territory. Omega saw a head on a stake. We are in true danger."

"He's making stuff up. Come on, we have a few miles left."


"Are you trying to talk back to me?"

"No sir."

"That's what I thought. Move on everyone!"

Zyair looks at me sympathetically and turns to continue walking. I follow close behind him because I am terrified of whatever puts that head there. I grab hold of Zyair's hand and squeeze it tightly. He smiles at me over his shoulder and winks at me. I smile warily, amused but still thoroughly frightened.

Sunlight interrupts my racing thoughts as we enter a meadow. The meadow of flying dreams. It seems that the flying dreams are butterflies; they dance on the wind creating a beautiful sight. My lungs are filled with the clean and pure air, a welcome exchange from the thick hazy air of the jungle. The summer breeze, warm upon my face, is filled with the sweet odor of the tall billowing grass. Tender inexperienced hills surround me. I am not positive where they start or in which way they stop.

Clusters of brilliant yellow sunflowers are growing amidst the prairie grass. I pick a sunflower and take satisfaction in its sweet fragrance. I pull every smooth petal off and toss it into the wind. Puffs of white cotton from a cottonwood tree drift slowly beyond me.

As I stroll, the thick blades of grass tickle my legs. Large brown grasshoppers soar left and right to break out my route. The butterflies dance around me and rest in my hair. I climb a large hill and after I look down, a small movement beckons me. As I get closer I can pay attention to the bubbling sound because it flows over the rocks underneath the surface. I gather some smooth cool rocks from the bottom of the river and toss them. They skip and I cheer.

I turn and see the others looking around in awe. This place is really a dream.

I turn to my left and see a giant ravine. That must be the realm of nightmares we must enter under the moonlight. It looks scary with the black clay and crumbly earth. I look over the side and it looks like a dark abyss with no end. My heart jumps in my chest and my brain says "absolutely not." I happen to agree this time and step away. I back up from the ravine edge and head back over to the stream. I take a seat and relax next to it. I lower my hand in and feel the water rush through my fingertips. I completely relax and lean back. I lay down and await commands from Adriel.

They never come, instead, a man in a hog mask approaches me. I back up and put my hands up. He stops and looks at me for some time. I observe him and beside the mask he is wearing a kilt of animal skin and beads made of bone hang from his neck and has skin as white as snow. He slowly starts to approach me and as I realize he means no well intent I take off running. I cross the stream and soak my shoes but I couldn't care less. A man was chasing me as if I was prey like the head covering his face to satiate his hunger. My feet pound into the ground and my breathing gets heavier and heavier. The infinitesimal gap between us was becoming much smaller after I tripped on a rock in the path. I run with all of my might and my legs scream for me to stop but I am too afraid to notice. My body is running off of chemicals.

"Come on, Omega run!" I say to myself as I book around a tree. I race through the trees weaving in and out of them. I glance back and see the hog man still keeping up. We have been running for minutes and I am completely lost. Either I am going to be taken by this guy or die of dehydration. They are both horrible options. While I was in my thoughts I slowed down and the hog man pounced on me. I punch and kick at him until he rolls off of me. I try to get up but he grabs my leg and pulls me back down. I knock my head on a rock and my vision blurs. Spots cloud my vision and the hog man's frame distorts. I feel him grab my leg and start to drag me as I pass out for the second time. Lights out.

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