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Chapter 19

It is a calm, overcast day, and I find myself resting at the aspect of a big maple tree, admiring the beauty of the woods that surround me.

The sunless sky includes the woods over the treetops which creates a cover over my head. The green and yellow foliage is an outstanding sight, as this turns into the season known as fall. There is a gentle breeze, developing the unmarried sound of rustling leaves. The leaves appear as though they had lost their life to fall out of the tree and be a part of their companions at the jungle floor. Together with needles and different vegetation the leaves form a thick springy carpet for me to walk upon. I turn to keep up with the group. They stop at a small grove of trees and we take a seat. Adriel starts to read off our second clue.

"Go past the downing pool and jump the cross to find the coin." He reads off the map. "We will need to pass by the Ganganlina rive, cross over the Starlight ravine and into the Golden Cave."

He then turns around and grabs his compass. We start off on our trek once again. We walk for a few minutes when the sound of rushing water hits my ears. We walk up to and I gasp in awe. It changes into a delicate, duck-egg blue coloration, just like the diffused sweep of a painter's brush. Seeping and snaking easily past all barriers, it manages to hurdle the river's boulders additionally. Twigs twirl on its murmuring floor, little messengers from the mountain timber wherein that they had come from. The brook flows over the pebbled riverbed. It sounds just like the airy, velvety whirl of a starling flock. A weeping waterfall pours from a gash inside the rock face. It looks like a slide of silk-blue flowing down the rocks, sporting its load of crystals; it is regarded as hemmed with silver. A far off thrumming sound emanates from it, like the consistent rumble of a drum roll. Glinting brightly, it feeds the river, the lifeblood of the wooded area. It changes into an awe-inspiring sight.

My gaze again travels to the swirling brook. I could see now how the water had gained its glassy clarity. The run off from the ice makes it appear varnish clear and the floor glints as if dream dust had been scattered over it. Speckled trout drift under the shady eaves of the bank, flicking their tails lazily. Arching into the air, their bodies glistening, they hover in brief performance, eyes set on a fly which had happened to fly by. Then, with a plucking sound, they'd dart back to the shadowed depths, their capture already secure in their noticed bellies. The watery grace of the river is magical to me. The sweet perfume of the jungle drifts to my nostrils as I rest easy on the splendor of nature.

"Six, snap out of it!" I jump out of my skin and turn with great haste to see what was the matter.


"We are to cross this." Zyair repeats for Adriel.

"Okay, easy."

"Mega." Zyair sighs. "There's quicksand and booby traps."


"Yeah, and you need to stop with the sight seeing." I grumble in response.

"Okay, when we cross try to watch your step." Alicona says.

We nod and I decide to go first. I step into the sand and immediately feel myself start to sink. I pull out and step on one of the flat stones. I hold my breath and press my weight down onto it. Nothing happens so I move on. I move again and again until I am in the middle of the river. I step once more and the rock sinks under my foot. A banging noise commences and an arrow shoots from the trees. I duck and barely miss the whooshing sound. It scares me and I come up with a new plan. I take a deep breath and I long jump. I land on a rock but slip and fall into the water. I go under the water and I struggle to stand. Zyair and the others are screaming as I try to pull above the water. I place my foot down but it starts to sink. I struggle to get a breath in and get a good footing. I eventually place my foot on a rock and arrows shoot out. I dodge them to the best of my abilities but they scrape and cut at my body. I place my feet onto the stable rock and I manage to pull myself from the water. My dress is torn and muddy and I have water spewing from my mouth. I place my hand on my knees and take a second to breathe. I look up and see Zyair looking at me concerned. I smile at him and then walk forward and onto the solid ground. I then lay on the ground and turned over to my side. I start to cough up water and vomit. I hear someone trying to cross and they make it quickly. Sae then drops down beside me and rubs my back soothingly. The others started to come across with ease as I had tripped all the booby traps. They all drop beside me and make sure that I am alright. Adriel stands in front of me impatiently and then gets ready to draw his gun. I immediately perk up and stand on my wobbly legs. I continue to vomit but I can walk. Adriel releases his holster and pushes past us. I have escaped death by this man so many times. We then take off into the forest and come up on our next obstacle. A ravine with double trees crossing over each other.

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