book 2 chapter 8: Bismarck Vs. Hood (part 2)

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Readers Warning: the following would contain blood loss.

With QM2 and Prince of Wales are on their way to help Hood. She was having trouble with fighting against Bismarck and the recently arrived Prinz Eugen. Hood was seriously injured as Bismarck destroyed three of her turrets.

Hood: (with a bloody mouth)

Bismarck: oh trust me, Hood. By the time we finished our fight, you'll be nothing but a bad memory.

(Note: I don't own the video above. Please play while reading)

Then she destroys Hood's last turret making her completely defenceless. QM2 and Wales arrived as Bismarck runs her lance into Hood's side. She coughs some blood out.

Wales: HOOD! (To her sister) Mary, cover me while I get her to your ship.

QM2: right.

As Wales goes to help her best friend, QM2 unleashes a bombardment from her ship distracting the Iron Blood ships. Wales managed to get the seriously injured Hood to QM2's ship. She lays her friend on her sister's deck as her ship started to sail back to Azur Lane and wraps Hood's injury while trying to stop the bleeding.

Wales: (worried) it's not holding the injury, Mary.

QM2: Vestal will help. Don't worry about it too much.

Azur Lane docks

The rain continued to fall, Josh is still at the lighthouse till he saw a familiar ship in the distance returning to the port. He looked through a spyglass and saw QM2's twin haul ship arrived. After she had finished docking, Wales and QM2 quickly took Hood to the medical centre.

(Stop Track)

Azur Lane medical centre

Vestal was having a look at some medical reports when she heard shouting from the reception area and heads over.

Vestal: what's going on?

Wales: it's Hood, Vestal.

Vestal heads over to have a quick examination of Hood's injury and tells them to help with getting her into the surgery theatre. A few hours later, Vestal had just finished her work as Emerald and Franziska arrived in the medical bay.

Emerald: what happened out there?

Wales was trying not to cry when she told them what happened. While she tried, Franziska went to the room's window and saw that Hood was wearing an oxygen mask and is connected to a heart monitor.

Vestal: (tries to convince Wales) I did the best of my ability, Wales. All we need to do now is hope the best.

While they were concerned about Hood's well-being. Franziska was quiet and didn't say anything especially when Josh arrived to the medical centre.

Akashi: Josh has arrived, nya...

Emerald: I'm worried if he sees his partner like this...

Franziska: (still looking at the badly injured Hood) he loves her so much, doesn't he?

Then Emerald and the others turned to her in concern.

Wales: (voice breaking) yea. N-not only him, everyone does.

Josh had just arrived and saw his wife in the medical ward. He goes to the door of the medical ward and takes a seat next to Hood's bed as the others decided to leave them.

The next chapter: Tirpitz's critical choice

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