book 2 chapter 14: Azur Lane's ambush

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(Note: I don't own the video above. Please don't sue me. Please play when Azur Lane ambushes Bismarck and her fleet)

While she is waiting for Bismarck to appear, Tirpitz asked Kaga to send a drone to find the location of her "sister's" fleet and make sure that it's well clear. After finding Bismarck's fleet, Tirpitz asked her vanguard to intercept them. While they did, Tirpitz contacted New Orleans and Yorktown to meet up with her.

Tirpitz: (in german to herself) Ich'warte auf dich, Bismarck. So tauchen Sie auf.

Kaga: Tirpitz, our vanguard are heading back with Bismarck and her fleet in persuit.

Tirpitz: Danke, Kaga. Let the other two know that they are on their way.

Kaga: will do.

With Tirpitz's vanguard.

Cleveland, Takao and Roon were being chased by Bismarck and her fleet. Deutschland was figuring something as they continue to chase after them.

Deutschland: does anyone notices that those three are leading us to?

Nimi: come to think of it. Your right, Deutschland. Something seems off, considering that we're going in the same direction as they came from.

Then they heard something from their current position as they looked up to see a squadron of F22 raptor bombers.

Admiral Hipper: GET CLEAR!

Bismarck and her fleet split up as the raptor bombers dropped their bombs. A couple of her fleet members had just got hit by the raptors.

Bismarck: where did those planes come from?

Scharnhorst: don't know. But by the looks of it, they came from one of those 'upgraded' aircraft carriers that we heard.

Then three battleships fired their turrets from behind and the right of them as two other fleets were spotted as another fleet appeared in front of them.

Tirpitz: (through a megaphone) BISMARCK! Your going to pay for attacking my friends and nearly taking my 'sister's' life! You have only one chance of surrounding.

Prinz Eugen: (to herself) Hood's Alive? (to Bismarck) she doesn't sound happy.

Bismarck: (through another megaphone) you were supposed to be MY sister but instead you stayed with that coward commander, Tirpitz!

With the main fleet.
Tirpitz was furious when Bismarck called the main commander a coward. She notices that another ship was approaching the three fleets.

Tirpitz: if Josh is a coward, then why does he still have that?

Tirpitz points to the Azur Crest as it arrives.

Prinz Eugen: (shocked with the Orochi) please don't tell me that he still has the Orochi.

Tirpitz: on the contrary, Eugen. It's not the Orochi anymore. But rather it's now called the Azur Crest.

The Azur Crest aims it's turrets at Bismarck's fleet as she continues to talk.

Tirpitz: (offside) I doubt that he'll let you leave us alive. Especially after what you did, Bismarck.

Bismarck's fleet members were starting to panic when they were completely surround by Tirpitz's fleet, Emerald's fleet, Franziska's fleet and the Azur Crest. Bismarck remained unmoved but inside of her, She was very nervous.

The next chapter: the Lone Queen vs. A monster.

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