Notes on Pages // Nancy Wheeler

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The book burns a hole through your bag as you wander through the halls of Hawkins High. As a senior, you feel you should have more confidence, but as you catch sight of Nancy waiting for you by your locker, any and all confidence falls through the floor.

"Where were you this weekend?" She asks in greeting, "I thought we were going to hangout?"

"I had to go visit my aunt two towns over," You explain, "My parents woke me up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. I didn't want to call you that early."

"I would have answered," Nancy pouts.

"I know you would have, but I didn't want to wake your whole family up."

"Well," Nancy smiles, hooking her arm through yours as you head for the library, "Thank you for being so considerate. Did you have a nice time at your aunts?"

"She took me shopping," You murmur absently, feeling the weight of the book in your bag even more so now.

"Any good shops?"

"Some," You whisper, not wanting to draw the attention of the librarian. Taking a deep breath, swallowing your fear, you murmur, "I got you something."

"You did?" Nancy asks; excitement bright in her eyes as he glances down at the bag at your feet. She leans closer to you; the floral scent of her perfume making you dizzy. "What did you get me? Can I see it now?"

Unable to help yourself, you laugh at the eagerness of the brunette. Nancy bounces in her seat as you reach for the wrapped present.

"It reminded me of you," You explain as you hand her the wrapped book.

She smiles brightly as she tears open the packaging. She gasps at the sight of the book. "This is his latest release, I don't have a copy of this yet."

"There's a note on the first page," You whisper, unable to meet her eyes, flitting with your pen instead.

You hear the turning of the pages; the rustling of the paper against her fingers as she turns to the right page. Nancy remains silent as she reads over your words. The little note you had put in there had been a spur of the moment decision; your pen. writing the words before your mind had caught up. You couldn't take it back once it was done.

"I think I'm in love with you," Nancy whispers, reciting the final words of your note. "You're in love with me?" She asks, glancing up from the pages of her new book.

Silently, you nod, unable to find the words to express your feelings. A slow smile breaks across Nancy's face; she glances down at the book in her hands and then again at you. "I'm in love with you too."

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