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Welcome to H & B Entertainment!

We can't wait to see what you can do!

H & B also offer other positions! Please scroll to the section titled, "Positions" to learn more!

POSITIONS: This is where you will answer WHAT you are applying for in H & B Entertainment! This could be an idol trainee, model, actress/actor, solo artist, producer, lyricist, and backup dancer!

Idol Trainee Application!

~ The Types of Groups we offer! ~

If you want to specifically want to be in a certain type of group, please say so!

Girl groups: H & B will always be able to push out the sharpest Girl Groups!

Boy Groups: Watch the best of the best debut!

Co-Ed groups: TRAINEES!! ATTENTION!!! If you wish to participate and would like to train with the opposite gender, you can! Fill out the application as you've seen others have, and have fun!

Soloists: With all of the spotlight on you, you will be the ones that shine brighter than the brightest star!

Username: This is the account we will contact if we want to debut you!

Name: Please include traditional writing if possible!

Other Name(s): Do you have an English name? Maybe a German or French name?



Blood Type: It's odd, but we need to be able to run an identification check on you! (this is purely for the story!)

Birthday: We want to be able to show you off on your special day!

Age: Please know the younger your trainee is, the longer it may take for you to debut! And please keep the age of your face claim and the age of your face claim similar! I do not want to see Miss Irene of Red Velvet debuting as a 19-year-old!

Face Claim:

Backup Face Claim:


Ethnicity: Must be half of what your face claim is (if your face claim is Japanese, please put it as Japanese/Korean, if you want your trainee to be Korean)!


Personality: Bullet points are accepted, paragraph form is preferred!

Family Background: Basically a number of siblings or parents you have as a trainee. If your face claim has 0-2 siblings, add at least one or two of your own ( if you have any)!

Pronouns: All are acceptable!

Sexuality: All sexualities are acceptable! If you are not comfortable answering this, please put "N/A"! Do NOT discriminate against or make fun of any sexuality that is entered in this category!

Entertainment Background: Please tell us if this is your first entertainment application or if you have applied to any others! This means you could have transferred from HYBE to H&B!

Auditions: Minimum of 2!




Personal Introduction: This is what you will say when you first face our camera or when you first greet your fans!

Main Skill: Rap/Dance/Vocal

Second Best Skill: Rap/Dance/Vocal

Third Best Skill: Rap/Dance/Vocal

Trivia: Please include some fun facts about your trainee!

Language Lessons: This is optional, but if your trainee would like to study a language or two, this is the section for that! (make the language the trainee is studying one that would be beneficial for world tours and meet and greets)

Years of Experience: If you have never worked in this field, please put "N/A"!

~ The Sides of H&B Entertainment! ~

Beanie: "I'll be taking the trainees who intend to become soloists and/or actresses/actors for H & B Entertainment!"

Hoody: "I'll be looking at the trainees that want to become backup dancers and models for one of H & B's many other labels!"

Idol Trainees: Idol trainees will be split directly down the middle, from there Beanie or Hoody will evaluate you and choose which trainees they want to debut with each other! These groups will be known as H groups and B groups!

H groups: H groups are known for their large number of members and being able to support all members at any time in a performance! However, H groups tend to take a much longer time to form!

B groups: B groups are known for being slightly smaller and not having as high of a quality of performance as H groups. Although, they practice the base of the vocals and bring unity and harmony within the group(s) as they do team together!

COMBINATION Groups: Combination groups are when Hoody and Beanie decide that they want to make an allrounder group. These trainees are the ones that will have to undergo the most training, but they are the groups that do not hesitate to show their full potential on stage! These groups take the longest to form and occur at random!

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