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This is where H&B gets to show off how all of the beautiful trainees flock to them!

Username: This is how we will contact you if we have a Modeling Gig for you!

Name: If possible, please include traditional writing!

Other Name(s): Do you have an English name? Maybe a German or French name?



Blood Type: It's odd, but we need to be able to run an identification check on you! (this is purely for the story!)

Birthday: We want to be able to show you off on your special day!

Age: Please keep the age of your face claim and the age of your face claim similar!

Face Claim:

Backup Face Claim:


Ethnicity: Must be half of what your face claim is (if your face claim is Japanese, please put it as Japanese/Korean, if you want your trainee to be Korean)!


Personality: Bullet points are accepted, paragraph form is preferred!

Early Life:

Pronouns: All are acceptable!

Modeling Background: How did you get into modeling? How did you find your love for it? 5 sentence minimum!

Have you modeled before? If so, where and for whom?

Photo Test: Please give us a photo that will be included in your portfolio for your photo test!

Portfolio: Please show us your portfolio! You will need to include 1 unprofessional photo of your face claim, 3 professional photos, a (semi) side profile, and other photos! The total should be a minimum of 6.

Years of Experience: If this is your first-time modeling please put "N/A"!

[📤] Blank Form Here! ---->

[📥] Submit Form Here! ---->

H & B Entertainment [Apply Fic] (OPEN)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum