Heeseung sighted.
"I do not understand it, Jay. You expressly stated you wanted to return to Korea with me" he said, annoyed.
"I know, and I still want to go back. It's just that I want to enjoy London a bit more before" explained Jay.Heeseung looked at him. Unlike Jay, he didn't want to stay in Europe any second longer. Turned out that after a few decades, visiting the continent felt quite boring, and he wanted to come home.
But not alone.
Heeseung had lived on his own for so long that he didn't even remember the last time he had called someone a friend. That was before he met Jay of course.
The latter wasn't the same as he was, however they understood each other pretty well. That is why he didn't want to return to Korea without him.
"Okay, we shall remain in London" he finally gave in. "However, not for long."
Jay smiled.
"Thank you!" he replied, quite happy. "You're allowed to smile as well, you know?"
"I don't think so" commented Heeseung. "Go enjoy whatever you want to and we'll meet at the shelter in three days."
"Five?" asked Jay, puppy eyes on.Heeseung sighted once more.
"Go for five, but don't be late" accepted Heeseung.
"I'm never late" replied his friend, as he walked away.~
Five days, no big deal.
I'll just stay at the shelter and freeze until he comes back.
The "shelter" was an abandoned hammer factory they had discovered together a few months back. It looked like it had been empty for a few years now, which was perfect for the two friends.
In fact, there was even a rumor in town that the factory was haunted, and in a way, that was true now.
The important thing was that humans didn't come here.Heeseung hated humans. They were the reason he had to hide all the time. None of them understood him. They were too stubborn to try.
Heeseung was very close to the shelter now. He walked quickly and silently, almost flying from one shadow to another. As usual, nothing troubled the deep silence near the building.
Heeseung liked the quiet. It was soothing.
A minute later, he was inside, comfortably sitting on his chair. If he had to wait five days, then he would have plenty of time to read all his books at least three times.
He was deep into the third chapter of the first book when a clear and loud sound troubled his peace.
Another sound echoed through the building.
Is someone in here?
Heeseung stood up, already annoyed. He didn't like being disturbed. The sound came from the entrance of the building, so he started walking towards it.
Could also be a lost animal.
He was now in the room next to the entrance. He stopped to listen, well hidden in the shadows of the walls.
This time, the sound was a lot more discreet. In fact, it was the typical mechanical noise of a door being opened.
Animals don't know how to open doors.
Damn it.
As soon as the unwanted visitor set foot inside, Heeseung cursed his bad luck. He didn't want to deal with any of this now.
He could hide and wait for that person to go away, however there were evidences of his presence in his room.
If that person saw them, they would probably bring other people to check it out.That can't happen.
Heeseung shook his head. If he didn't manage making the visitor leave now, he would have to choose the other way.
He didn't like the other way."Is anyone here?" asked the visitor.
Another stupid human trying to get scared.
Please."I know you are here, and I'm actually looking for you" added the voice.
That is when Heeseung noticed the voice was closer, however he hadn't heard any footsteps.
Could it be?
When Heeseung started frowning, the shadow next to him moved.
"There you are!" said the voice, right behind Heeseung.
Now, Heeseung had never experienced a jump scare in his long life. He was way too smart and his senses were perfectly enhanced. However, it seemed that that night, it wasn't enough.
"Wait, what?" he asked, as surprised as confused.
"I'm so glad I found you! I thought you had left already" added the visitor, stepping in front of Heeseung.The latter finally got the chance to behold the visitor.
The pale halo of the moonlight shone on the young man's delicates features. He was a little shorter than Heeseung, but not by much. He had dark hair and...His eyes
"You're not from here either are you?" asked Heeseung.
The visitor seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"No" he replied. "I'm Jaeyun by the way, but you can call me Jake."
"I'm Heeseung" answered the latter.The silence after that information lasted a while. Hopefully, both of them felt time differently than humans did, so it wasn't a problem.
No wonder why he is so attractive.
"What brings another vampire here?" asked Jake, a curious look on his face.

EN-DRAMA - Enhypen Shortstories
FanfictionWelcome to my collection of one shots and short stories about Enhypen ! Here you'll find different ships, like Heehoon, Heejake, Jakehoon, Sunki and Jaywon 😌☺️ • They're boy love stories inspired by real life events found in I-Land and Enhypen con...