The Vet Pt.2

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"Alrighty" said the vet.
"Is she okay?" asked Sunghoon.

The vet had taken Gaeul twenty minutes ago, while Sunghoon waited for them, more worried than ever.

He had had to tell doctor Sim everything. It had broken his heart to say the truth out loud: he had poisoned Gaeul. Yes, it was an accident, and the vet had tried to calm him down, but there was nothing to do.

Sunghoon felt bad.

To be a hundred percent truthful, he felt bad for poisoning his dog, but he also... had totally forgotten about his dog for a whole minute.

It's just that he didn't expect to be ATTACKED by the vet's beauty.
Like, since when vets were that attractive?

This had in fact been problematic for Sunghoon. Cause when doctor Sim asked him what had happened, he stayed still for a bit. He hadn't realized he was being talked to. After repeating the question, the vet had stared at him, probably wondering what was his deal.

That's when Sunghoon had woken up, pretty embarrassed.

"I think she'll be okay" said the vet.
"What a relief" commented Sunghoon, letting a sigh out.
"I gave her something to absorb the toxine and some fluids. She's responded well" explained doctor Sim.

Sunghoon nodded. He had zero medical notions, he just trusted the doctor in front of him.

"Thank you so much" he replied.
"However, I think it'd be better to keep her in observation here" said the vet. "Just to be sure."
"Of course" instantly answered Sunghoon. "Anything for Gaeul."

The vet nodded.

"I'm just going to write down your information, so that I can call you if needed" he said, looking at Sunghoon.

Wait. Am I giving him my number?
Hoon. Stob it. He's not asking your number for himself. It's the contact info for Gaeul.

"Of course" replied Sunghoon, trying not to blush too much.


Sunghoon was back at home. Everything was silent and still. Without Gaeul's presence, he felt extremely lonely. He couldn't focus on anything. He had tried watching his favorite show, reading, playing a video game, everything bored the hell out of him.
Even watching ice skating performances annoyed him, and that meant a lot.

He let out a loud sigh.

He missed Gaeul. (And maybe, just maybe, the vet too.)

That's when his phone vibrated on the kitchen table. Sunghoon jumped on his feet, mentally preparing himself. His mom always called him at the worst possible moments. He was sure that she had a sixth sense for his stress and every time that she needed to call him to know what happened.

How could he tell her that Gaeul was hospitalized?

He had reached his phone, dreading to check it.

Fortunately, the notification didn't show his mom's id. It was a text message from an unknown number. Sunghoon frowned and opened it.

Hi, this is Sim Jaeyun, the vet
I hope I'm not bothering you.

Sunghoon saw that he was still typing, but he couldn't wait for the next text.

You are not bothering me at all.
Is Gaeul okay?

Yes, she's asleep right now.
It's silly but there's nothing much happening at the clinic and I'm a bit bored.
I know it's not professional at all and I'm sorry about it, but I thought maybe we could talk?
If ai remember correctly you told me your parents are out of town..
But if you're busy it's okay, of course.

Sunghoon stared at his screen, heavily frowning. He didn't understand what was happening.  Some part of him wanted to just give in and try to become friends with him, but he knew it was a weird situation... right?

I'm not busy :)

Sunghoon didn't even think about writing that, when he saw it, it was too late. The text was sent and the vet was already typing his next text away. Sunghoon felt a wave of panic go through him.

He obviously had a little crush on this guy, and whenever he had had crushed in the past,  he had messed things up big time.
However this once, his crush had texted him first.  Sunghoon wanted to believe doctor Sim was genuinely interested in him as well, but it was more certainly just because -as he had said it- he was bored.

Does this mean I can call you Jaeyun?

Sunghoon bit his lower lips, waiting for the answer.

Actually, you can call me Jake, that's how everyone calls me.

Awesome! You can call me Hoon then :)

So you're a student?

Yep, I study cinema!
Actually I should have had finished already but I failed one of my exams, so I'll have to retake it next month

Cinema! Amazing!
Don't worry about it, I also failed my share of exams
The important thing is to stay focused and study well for the next one 💪

And just like that the conversation flowed naturally. They talked about the movies they liked, which characters and plot were the most interesting and so on.

Gaeul just woke up

Is she okay??

Yes! I'm taking her for a little walk, I'm sure she'll enjoy some fresh air

Sunghoon looked at his watch. They always walked her around that time. She must have felt it and woken up.

I'm sure she will, it's her usual walk time anyway!

Works perfectly then!
Talk to you later?

Sunghoon sighed. He wanted to keep talking to Jake. But Gaeul needed to go for her walk.

Yes sure :)


Would you mind if I came with you?
I miss her

Sunghoon felt his heart stopping. He didn't know what his brain had thought. This was obviously a risky idea. Nothing happened for a few seconds, which increased Sunghoon's nervousness.

That was until three word appeared on the screen.

Jake is typing...

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