Sorry for the wait! I had a loooong weekend, but I'm back now❤️
Jake's sister had thought that her brother was sad and in a bad place beforehand.
Oh boy was she wrong.
Because what Jake had gone through seemed like a walk in the park compared to what was happening now.
Of course, she had no idea about the context.
She just knew that he had been feeling and looking better for a while, especially on Thursdays for some reason.However, now the boy was in such a bad place that she didn't have words to express it.
Jake was laying on his bed.
He didn't really want to do anything. He hadn't wanted to in a while.Ever since Heeseung's last letter.
He still couldn't believe what he had read.
Somehow, he had wanted to believe it had been a prank all this time. It would have been easier to deal with: he would have gone through the shame of having been fooled for some time and then it would have been over.
However, he knew it wad real.Heeseung was gone.
In fact, he had been gone for a long time.
It can't be...
Jake stretched his arm and reached for his nightstand until his fingertips found the familiar coldness of paper.
He took the letter and read it for the thousandth time, and once again he felt tears slowly drowning him.
"I'm sorry"
Heeseung's last words were burning Jake.
His handwriting was burning him.
His sincerity was burning him.Jake believed him when Heeseung said he didn't want to hurt him, but it hadn't sheltered him from actually being hurt.
How could he not be hurt after reading that Heeseung had passed away a century ago?
Jake didn't know how Heeseung had either found him nor how he had managed to get his letters through him. It didn't matter.
What mattered is that he had found him.
With a sigh, Jake decided it was time.
He had been meaning to do that for a while, however hadn't gathered the courage until now.But it was time.
The young man grabbed his jacket and left his house for the first time in a long while. His feet brought him to the familiar bus stop.
Jake had to look for longer that expected, but he eventually found what he was looking for.
As expected, the stone was worn out and damaged. Moss had taken over the top right corner too.Jake started by cleaning it.
He took the moss off first. Then he tried to get rid of the dirt that covered part of the inscription.
Once satisfied about the stone, he plucked out the weed and delicately laid the flowers he had brought with him in front of him.Heeseung's grave deserved to be honored, and Jake knew he had no one else to take care of it, so he had decided to do it himself.
He had done all of this work almost mechanically, trying not to focus on what he was doing. Because if he did focus on it, he would firstly be overwhelmed by the fact that Heeseung had existed. He had been a real person.
Then, he would have been upset about the fact that as surely as he had had existed, Heeseung had also passed away, meaning that he wouldn't be able to ever meet him.And that.... Well that was too painful.
It was way easier to just focus on cleaning and honoring the grave.
When Jake was happy with the result, he took another two items of his bag. He lit the candle and placed it in front of the stone.
He then kneeled and waited.
He knew he needed more time to prepare himself.
"Heeseung" whispered Jake, looking at the carved name. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I hope that you are happy now, wherever you are."
A minute of silence floated before Jake finally wiped down his tears.
"I.. I don't even know what I want to say to be honest" added Jake. "I just.. I don't know.. I think I do need some sort of closure."
"I know that you didn't mean to hurt me" said Jake. "But you did. And you still are. I keep wondering why you decided to contact me in the first place. Did you know that you would have been gone before I could read your letters?"
"If you did, that really isn't... I don't even have a word for that.. that's a terrible thing to do" continued Jake. "Cause I fell in love with you. Weeks and weeks of feeling.. well... loved by you too, only to discover the truth about you and getting hurt. Why?"
His question left him out of breath and he chuckled. Jake was so hurt, so angry that he didn't even know if he was making any sense right now. That didn't matter anyway.
He had things to say to Heeseung.If that meant looking crazy as he talked to someone in a graveyard, so be it.
"Cause I.. I was stupid"
Jake laughed.
Cool, I'm hearing voices now
On top of being depressed I'm crazy.
Reaaaally cool"I'm sorry Jake"
The latter continued chuckling, embracing the craziness that had apparently taken over him.
However, the chuckling stopped really fast as he felt a hand brushing against his shoulder and he turned around to face the handsome young man behind him.
"Who are you?" he instantly asked.
"Well.. I'm Heeseung" he replied.

EN-DRAMA - Enhypen Shortstories
FanfictionWelcome to my collection of one shots and short stories about Enhypen ! Here you'll find different ships, like Heehoon, Heejake, Jakehoon, Sunki and Jaywon 😌☺️ • They're boy love stories inspired by real life events found in I-Land and Enhypen con...