Chapter 2.

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Bose walked through the streets of Swellview, holding several bags in each hand. He had done exactly what he's dad told him to do. Bought himself a lot of nice things. Bose passed by a store and looked through the glass window, eyeing a very cool black jacket he spotted on a mannequin. He nodded as he decided he wanted it and walked straight in.

A few minutes later, he walked out, now wearing the awesome jacket. Bose had to admit he was actually having a good time. The cashire lady thought he was crazy when he requested to buy a high quality chainsaw, He held his nose when he went into a meat store, He saw new books he never even knew existed but bookwroms would probably love, and he bought a new video game. He even bought these big glasses just because he thought he looked silly in them and he wanted to make his friends laugh.

After his shopping spree, Bose headed happily over to SWAG. He didn't see anyone in the classroom so he figured they were probably up in the Man's Nest. When he arrived at the tube he saw Chapa, Mika, Miles, Ray and Schwoz all on the couch watching Dog Bachelor. (Which is the only thing they ever seem to watch there.)

"Hey, guys."

He felt in a better mood now that he was with his friends everyone greeted him heartily. "Went shopping?" Chapa asked, noticing all the bags he was carrying. "Yeah, it was fun." He put the bags down. "And I brought something for everyone." Excited, everyone jumped off the couch, excited to see what their friend had bought them. Bose brought out a stack of books and Mika squealed.

"Oh, my gosh! Are these the new edition?!"

Bose handed them to her, smiling. "Yep. I thought I'd heard you say this was your favorite book series."

"Yes! I can't wait to drown myself in these! Thanks Bose!"

Miles rolled his eyes at his sister's nerdness.

"No problem." Bose said. "And, Chapa" Chapa looked up at him. "Look what I got ya." Bose pulled out a big package.

The others couldn't really see what was inside but Chapa knew what it was instantly. "No, way!" she bounded over to him. "Yes, way." Bose said. Miles tilted his head to read the side of the package. It had 'chainsaw' written on the side of it and the name of the company it had come from.

"A chainsaw?" He asked.

"The newest one." Bose answered proudly.  (I wouldn't take this seriously, if I were you. I have like zero knowledge of the Chainsaw Industry. Lol.)

Everyone was shocked when Chapa started squealing and jumping up and down like a teenage girl - which she was, but you get the point.

When she realized everyone was staring she composed herself and cleared her throat. "I mean, thanks for this." She said in a more dignified manner. But once she went back to sit on the couch she started squealing again, only quieter this time. Miles rubbed his hands together. "Soooo, what did you get for me?"

Bose pretended to look shocked like he forgot to buy something for Miles. "Oooooh." He held a fist over his mouth.

Miles gave him an 'are you kidding me?!' look and Bose laughed. "Kidding."

He pulled out the video game he bought "For you."

Miles clapped his hands together in excitement. "This is a dream come true! The new star wars video game!" He cheered.

"I know right?!" Bose answered and the two of them did some weird star wars salute. The girls rolled their eyes. "Being friends with the Mayor's step-son sure has it's perks." Miles said, while Bose tossed Ray and Schwoz the special meat they had once begged him to get them.

Why? Bose had no idea. He didn't want to ask questions and with Schwoz and Ray, that was probably for the best.

Miles turned to Bose. "Wanna come over tonight and play?" He asked, waving the new video game.

"I can't, my dad wants us to start packing tonight." Bose looked downcast.

"Dang it, your dad still won't change his mind about moving?" Chapa asked.

"Nope!" Bose slouched on the couch and held his thumb and index finger close. "And I am this close to running away from home."

Mika folded her arms. "We have to do something about this. If Brainstorm mysteriously dissapears right after the Vice Mayor decides to take his son who just so happens to sorta look like Brainstorm away, people will know what's up."

Miles nudged her. "And we don't wanna lose Bose, right? If he moves to Paris, it means bye-bye Bose forever. We'd be losing a friend."

Mika nodded. "Yeah, I know. But this is also putting our secret identities at risk."

Chapa turned to Schwoz. "Is there anyway you could clone Bose so his dad can take the clone to Paris and Bose can stay in Swellview?."

Bose quickly sat up. "Yeah, can you do that?!" Schwoz was about to answer yes but Mika stopped him. "Oh, come on, you guys! Bose can't stay in Swellview alone and away from his family! That's a terrible idea!" Everyone looked downcast again, realizing Mika was right. Bose's phone pinged and he looked at his phone screen. "I gotta go. My mom and dad are back from the movies so I guess it's packing time."

Bose sluggishly got off the couch. "Don't worry Bose, we won't give up on getting your dad to stay in Swellview." Chapa promised.

"But for the meantime, you need to stall as much as you can!" Mika called out as Bose headed for the tube.

"Down the tube!"

Chapa got up "Welp, I'm off." She picked up her package. "I've got a package to open." She excitedly skipped to the tube.

"Down the tube!"

Miles shook his head. "You know, Chapa getting a new chainsaw makes me feel so unsafe. What was Bose thinking?"

Mika laughed. "She's Chapa. Weapons are her thing. Just let the girl keep her chainsaw." She checked her phone screen. "We better head home too."

"Yeah" Miles teleported himself and his sister home as Ray and Schwoz started fighting over the meat.

"It's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

"Don't make me bite you, schwoz!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Give it!"


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