Big fight of faith

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Vera woke up hours after her alarm had gone off. She was confused, the lines between what was real and what was not which was so clear in the past had become blurred. She could still feel the roaches climbing up her feet and she shivered in revulsion.

Vera still couldn't be sure she was truly awake. But whether in the dream world or in the real world there was only one decision that made sense to her.

The hot afternoon wind moaned causing the trees to dance and bend, dried leaves fell to the ground covering the ground in a brilliant array of yellow and brown. Vera stood at the large brass door of the Saint Judas Church already appreciating the symphony of sounds that seeped from the tiny crack in the door

She always felt apprehensive at the front of these doors; it was like she could feel the holy eyes of god watching her. Vera held her breath as she pushed the doors gently open and stole inside pulling her sister in with her

The smell of incense seemed to intoxicate her and lift her off her feet. She floated towards one of the few empty benches with her sister in tow.

When the time for congregational singing came, she became an angel, singing with everything she had, ignoring completely the amazed looks the saints of St. judas gave her. Throughout the time they were singing she held her sister tightly, increasing the pressure anytime her sister stopped singing even for a moment.

The hour of prayer came soon after and even though she prayed quietly, her focus was so complete that she was still sweating buckets. Something like electricity ran down in continuous waves from the tip of her hair to the tip of her toes and back again.

Outside the clouds had darkened, pregnant almost to bursting with water. The winds moaned and screamed, destroying everything standing between it and the church; houses, gates and trees all fell to its vengeful strength

The roof of the church creaked and squeaked but yet the church stood firmly although beset on all sides by the winds. The doors of the church opened under its unstoppable rush yet it was like it couldn't get into the church.

Vera was still intently focused on her prayers but Erha and many others were distracted by the opened doors and the weather outside. The officers at the back finally forced the brass doors closed and everyone sighed in relief, they didn't know this was only the beginning

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