Chapter 1: No one is ready to fall in love

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– Why don't you date each other? – Ohm says out loud in the room, making everyone look at him. – Phu and Pond.

– What? – Phuwin asks, kinda startled. – Are you insane?

– No. – He said, turning the drumstick in one hand, simply. – Think about it: the fans go crazy when there's any interaction coming from both of you. That ship thing? You're the most popular. That would turn everything wild.

– You're forgetting something: we don't like each other. – Pond says, as if it's obvious.

– Are you even gay? – War asks, thinking that all this is absurd.

– They don't have to be. They just have to pretend that they're together. Always works for actors and stuff. – He shrugs and Phuwin starts to feel nervous when he sees the look of his manager and public relations staff.

– No, you're not really considering this, right?! – He asks, feeling desperate. – That's a terrible idea. Do you really think that Pond and I can fake a relationship?

– Pond has a girlfriend, right? – Khao asks and, for a minute, Phuwin feels relieved.

– She's not my girlfriend. – Pond answers, unshakable, adjusting the strings of his bass.

– She's just someone he sleeps with, from time to time. Pond is not a chaser, he's chased. – Ohm says and the other band members just roll their eyes, while Pond just gives a side smile. – C'mon, what can be so hard? We have known each other for almost seven years, we know basically everything there is to know. What's the mystery?

– Really? Why don't you date him then? – Phuwin says, knowing his voice is a pitch higher, making evident his discomfort.

– Because my ship with him doesn't have more than twenty thousand fanfics on the most famous platform. We barely have five thousand. Maybe it's too much sex appeal for them to handle.

– Maybe it's too much bullsh*t for them to handle. – War says, rolling his eyes. – I understand we need a huge marketing strategy for our new album, but are you really considering this? – He asks their staff. – I mean, don't you think it's too risky? It can be a shoot in the foot.

– I agree. – Phuwin says. – It can go extremely wrong. It's almost like a "queer-bait"? I mean, if they discover that we're not really together, it'll be a disaster. Besides, Pond is not even gay!

– He's right. I'm not gay. – Phuwin sighed in relief. – I'm bi.

– You what? – Ally, their public relations, asks what's on everyone's minds.

– Bisexual. Don't you know what it is?

– Of course I know what it is. I just didn't know... Whatever. – Ally picks her phone up, typing something on it.

– Doesn't matter his sexual orientation, stills dangerous. – War was trying to act like the group conscience, as always. That's what a true leader does, anyway.

– Wait. – Khao interrupts. – You only talked about Pond, but what about Neo? If we really agree with this story, will he be okay with it?

– We're not together anymore. We broke up two weeks ago. – Phuwin answers, his voice toned down a bit.

– I'm so sorry, Phu. – War says, giving the friend a kind look. – I know you liked him.

– Things were not as before, so... we decided to break up. We are still friends though. No bad feelings. – He says, shrugging.

– Oh, that's why you were looking so down those days. I told you, Pond. – Ohm says and Phuwin sees Pond looking at him. – So no one stops you to date. That's perfect.

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