chapter one

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Alice wondered around the streets of London, like she did every Friday night, since there was nothing else, she was able to do, except terrorize people she didn't like. Though this summer night felt different than the ones from the past weeks. The breeze that was usually soft and warm had gotten colder and harder within the hour of her walk. The ground was wet from the storm that had occurred in the daytime and she almost slipped while walking on the concrete sidewalk. 

As she continued walking down the road, she saw someone walking a couple of meters in front of her. It was a boy, probably in the age range of 13 to 14 and he was quickly walking towards a little playground at the side of the road with a suitcase that he was eagerly pulling behind him. It seemed interesting to Alice, the way he was walking, as if he were walking away from something, so she quietly followed him, until he stopped and sat down on the sidewalk in front of the playground. With his back turned to her, Alice walked over to the swings of the playground and sat down on one of them, making it screech. The boy then turned around and looked confused over to the swings, not knowing why the playground was making noises. Then he brushed it off and looked back in front of him. 

Suddenly, he looked up to the bushes in front of him and quickly stood up from the ground. Whatever he saw, Alice couldn't draw it out in the dark. The boy then slowly took a step back but tripped over the sidewalk, falling to the ground. Alice then saw what the boy was seeing. It was a big black stray dog, more like a wolf, emerging from the bushes. She quickly jumped off the swing and ran towards the boy, that was still laying on the ground, looking at the bushes on the other side of the street. The big wolf like figure they both had seen disappeared as soon as it saw Alice walking towards him. 

"Are you okay?" Alice asked the boy bending down to him. The boy looked confused up at her and pushed himself further upright. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said anxiously. "Did you see it too?" he then added. Alice looked over to the bushes, seeing that the wolf had vanished. "Yes," she answered and helped the boy up. "I'm Alice," she added as they both were on their feet again. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter," the boy said. "Well, it is nice to meet you Harry," Alice answered, reaching her hand towards him. He looked slightly confused at her and then shook her hand. "Wait, you don't know me?" he then asked. "How would I know you?", She asked confused but before he could answer her, a thin, blue high-top bus came speeding down their street, making Harry and Alice trip over the sidewalk again and falling on the ground out of surprise. The bus stopped right in front of them, and a skinny, rather pale looking man came out, reading out something from a little piece of paper he was holding in his hand. 

"Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening." Then Stan put his paper back in his pocket and looked down at Harry and Alice, who were still sitting on the ground. "What'chu doin down there?" Stan asked confused. "We fell over," Harry answered. "What'chu fell over for?" Stan asked, looking rather confused. "Your bus plundering in nearly hitting us," Alice said while getting up from the ground and helping Harry up as well. "Well come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow," Stan said and hushed them towards the entrance of the bus, but before they stepped in, Harry went to the side of the bus to look at the bushes one more time. 

The conductor turned the corner as well, to see why Harry had looked over to the side. "What'chu lookin at?" Stan asked confused. "Nothing," Harry answered and shacked it off. "Well come on then! In," Stan said, hushing Harry back into the bus. As Harry wanted to get his suitcase, Stan hushed him away, telling him he would get it for him. As he lifted Harry's suitcase, he almost fell over. "Weak," Alice chuckled under her breath. "You do it then," the conductor scoffed at her. Alice walked towards him and took the suitcase with ease out of his arms and carried it into the bus. "Not that hard," she said as she put it down on the side looking up at Stan, who was flustered by the way she had carried it. 

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