chapter 4

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Alice wandered around the corridors of the school at night, looking at all the halls and classrooms while the whole school was sleeping in their dorms. She looked through the dark classrooms, imagining herself actually going to a school like this. She always wanted to know if there were more people like her in this world, maybe even a world outside the ones of the ordinary people, though she never imagined, that it would turn out to be like this. 

She walked through the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, when she suddenly heard a noise coming from the outside. It was footsteps, though they didn't sound like the footsteps of a human. She then slowly walked towards the door of the classroom and looked around the corner. What was walking the same corridors she was walking, was a dog like creature, more like a black wolf, walking past the classroom. But the energy of this wolf felt different. It didn't seem like it wasn't an actual animal, but a human trapped inside of it. Then she remembered the wolf she saw in the bushed the day she met Harry. It was the exact same one. 

She quietly walked out of the classroom and wanted to follow the wolf, when it suddenly froze and moved its ears. As soon as it turned around, Alice lifted her hands and threw the wolf creature against the wall, letting it still hang in the air pressed against it. The wolf then suddenly turned into a man, who pulled his hands up while still floating against the wall. Alice walked towards him until she stood a couple of feet in front of him. "You're a shapeshifter," Alice said looking right at the man. "An Animagus, but it's similar, yes," the man coughed. When Alice realised who she had held in her force, she let him down, with him falling on his knees. 

"Sirius Black," she then said, looking down to the ground at him. "I was confused that you didn't recognize me right away. What are you gonna do? Report me to your headmaster, get yourself rewarded and get me killed?" Sirius asked sarcastically. "What? No, I don't go to this school," Alice said and took her hands down completely now. "What do you mean you don't go to this school. Aren't you a student?" he asked and slowly stood up. "No. I'm just here, kinda running away from the headmaster myself. Or let's just say I'm visiting," she explained and laughed. "How did you even get in here?" she eventually asked Sirius. "A little help from the inside of a dear old friend of mine," Sirius replied. "How did you get in?" Sirius repeated her. "That'll be my own secret," she answered. "I guess we both aren't in each other's trust," Sirius said and leaned on the wall. 

"Wait, How did you do that?" Sirius questioned her, looking down at her hand. "Do what?" Alice said confused. "The thing where you threw me in the air and held me against the wall without even using a wand," Sirius explained. "It's just something I can do. I was born with it," she explained intimidating. "You are more than just a witch, aren't you?" he guessed curiously. "You tell me," she replied and leaned on the other wall right in front of him. "It is at the tip of my tongue, but I really don't know the name wizards who possess this sort of power," Sirius said frustrated and continued thinking harder. "Too bad for you. You'll have to find out for yourself what you thought of before, I can't help you with that," Alice replied. 

"Well, you could help me with first telling me your name," Sirius said. Alice then took a deep breath and started panicking a bit. "Alice," she answered after taking a deep breath. "Alice who?" Sirius asked. "I'm just Alice," she then said. "I would gladly want to know who I am talking to here. In my times now, I do not trust anyone, so I want to know every name I come across," Sirius explained and pushed himself from the wall closer to the one Alice was leaning on. "Alice- Granger," she stuttered and looked at him with a sparkle of confidence in her eyes. "Granger? Have never heard that name before," Sirius said. "So why do I not believe you?" he then said and leaned next to her on the wall. "Because you wouldn't want to hear my name. And I don't want to explain my life story to you, too much work at this time of the night and I am definitely not gonna tell my actual identity to a criminal," Alice said and started walking away, but Sirius ran in front of her and pushed her back. 

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