chapter 13

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A month  had passed, and it was nearly the end of the school year. Harry went to the Defense against the Dark Arts Classroom in a free period, wanting to see how Lupin was doing. As he walked into his office, he saw Lupin with his back turned to him. A Gramophone was playing in the background as Lupin was standing at his bookshelf, taking out some books. "Hello, Harry," Lupin said as Harry was about to knock. Harry looked perplexed at Lupin, not knowing how he knew it was him standing in the doorway. "I saw you coming," Lupin answered after seeing Harry's confused face, pointing at the Marauder's Map on the desk in front of him. Harry still didn't say anything as he watched Lupin pack up some stuff. 

"I've looked worse, believe me," he said, brushing a strain of hair out of his face. Harry slowly walked into the office and looked around the room. "You've been sacked," Harry blurted out. "No. I resigned, actually," Lupin responded, tearing a piece of paper that he took from out of one of the books. "Resigned? Why?" Harry asked outraged. "Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want a... well, someone like me teaching their children," Lupin explained and packed the books from the desk into a large suitcase. 

"But Dumbledore," Harry intervened but was interrupted by Lupin. "Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are... well, let's say I'm used to it by now," Lupin stuttered and closed all the open suitcases with his wand. Then he looked over to Harry again, who was sadly looking around the room. "Why do you look so miserable, Harry?" Lupin eventually asked him. "None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped," Harry answered enraged. "Didn't make any difference? Harry, it made all the difference in the world. You helped uncovered the truth! You saved an innocent man's life from a terrible fate," Lupin disagreed to him. "It made a great deal of difference," he chuckled and continued ripping paper and throwing them into the fire that was still burning behind him. 

Lupin came around the desk and walked over to his suitcases, grunting as he carried his last back off the desk to the others. "If I am proud of anything, it is of how much you have learned this year. Now, since I am not longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever giving this back to you," Lupin said and handed him the Map that was laying on the desk. Harry looked at him and took the map with surprise into his own possession. Harry smiled and watched Lupin take his coat off one of the suitcases. "So, now I say goodbye, Harry," Lupin said and walked towards the exit of the office. "I feel we'll meet again sometime," he said. "Don't forget to lock the Map, so others cannot see it," Lupin said and then walked down the stairs out of the classroom.

A couple of days later, the houses had their last lunch together before the summer holidays. Harry walked into the Great Hall and immediately Neville and Sam ran towards him. "Harry! Wherever did you get it?" they asked him surprised and followed him back to the crowd of people around one of the tables in the great hall. "Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course," Sam said. "What are you talking about?" Harry asked confused and pushed himself through the people to see what they were mumbling about. "Let the man through!" Ron yelled and everyone backed to the side. 

"I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped. And- they made me do it," Ron stuttered, pointing at the Weasley twins sitting at the opposite side of the table. "Did not," Fred and George both said. Harry bent down and unwrapped the package, only to find a broom laying on the table. "It's a firebolt," George said. "It's the fastest broom in the world," Fred replied. "For me?" Harry asked flustered, with a big smile on his face. "But who sent it?" he asked Hermione, who was sitting next to him. "No one knows," Ron replied from behind him. "This came with it," Hermione said, picking up a huge, grey feather that was lying next to the firebolt. 

Harry looked at the feather and smiled at Hermione. Then he took the firebolt into his hands and took a step back. "Who wants to try it out," he yelled into the round and every jumped up and shouted happily around the Great Hall. Harry then ran towards the door into the courtyard, followed by half the Gryffindor's that were at the table with him before. He stopped in the middle of the courtyard and placed himself above the firebolt. With a little nudge, he quickly took off into the air and yelled as he bolted away with the broom into the air. The students on the ground watch him fly up into the air and disappear into the distance of the mountains.

Lupin came into his office, to get his last bag, when he spotted Alice sitting on his old office chair. He jumped up and quickly closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here, Alice. Half the teachers know your face now, you can't be seen here," Lupin gasped and walked over to her. "Relax, Remus, I don't live here anymore. I have a home now," she said with a little watery eyes and a smile of joy. Lupin softened his grip around her shoulders and hugged her tightly. "I'm happy you are safe now," he said and looked at her again. 

"How is Sirius?" he asked her. "He's doing great. I know you miss him a lot, don't you," Alice replied. Lupin nodded and kneed in front of her on the ground. "What are you doing here at this time anyways? All the students are leaving soon," Lupin questioned. "I wanted to explain everything that happened to Hagrid. I didn't want to leave him unknown of why I left. And I had to talk to Lorenzo as well too," Alice explained. "I see. Good that you did that," Lupin responded with a smile. He got up from the ground and walked over to his bag. "How is it? Living with family?" Lupin asked her as he picked up his bag. "I haven't felt this happy in over 40 years. It's like a dream come true," Alice responded. Lupin smiled. 

"You deserve it, Alice. I hope we see each other someday again," Lupin wished. "Aren't you still a teacher here next year?" Alice asked confused and now sat down on the table in front of her. "Sirius didn't tell you? I resigned, because my state was revealed," Lupin explained. Alice sighted. "That's too bad. I thought I would at least have one teacher her to support me next year, besides Hagrid," Alice said sadly. "You're coming back here? As a student?" he asked confused, but Alice shook her head. "It is too dangerous for me to come back as a student. But I am learning some powers. I found out I could shapeshift, so practically be like an Animagus," Alice responded. "That's interesting," Lupin said. "Did you shapeshift to get in here?" he asked her. "No, I'm not that advanced yet. Just tried shapeshifting out yesterday," Alice laughed. "Then how did you get in here?" Lupin asked perplexed. "Trying out new powers," Alice said and was teleported out of the room. 


This is the end of the first part of my Harry Potter fan fiction. I will write throughout 4-7 as well and I am very excited to share those too. I hoped you liked the story! 

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