chapter 7

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3 months had past, and spring season started to appear around Hogwarts. Little Daisies started to grow through the snow, that was already starting to melt back into the ground. Since the incident with Alice and the others had occurred, Ron, Harry and Hermione hadn't seen Alice. Hermione went down to Hagrid's hut every other day, but Hagrid just said that Alice had left for the day. "I'm worried about her," Hermione said, as the school had gathered around for the dinner meal. "Don't be. She's nothing to us anymore," Harry answered annoyed. "Maybe not to you, but she is still my friend," Hermione responded. 

"Are you seriously taking her side over mine?" Harry asked outraged. "I am not taking anyone's side Harry, but you should have talked this out more calmly. We all should have talked this out more calmly that day. I mean, we don't know if she really did anything wrong. It was just assumptions that McGonagall made," Hermione explained. "I don't care. Our teachers always know best with what is going on," Harry answered. "I agree with Hermione on this one to be completely honest," Ron said. Harry turned his head in anger. 

"Come on, Harry. Dumbledore thought Alice was a dark force that invaded this castle, but she is a human. Maybe with different abilities than other humans, but she is still sort of like us. We aren't like normal muggles either. The teachers, in this case, don't always know the right answer," Ron explained, but Harry just ignored him and continued eating his food. "Do you know what," Harry eventually blurted out. "You guys are unbelievable right now," he said and got up from the table and stomped out of the great hall, with half the Gryffindor table watching him leave. "Everything alright with you guys?" Neville asked. "Yeah, it's fine, don't worry about it, Neville," Hermione said, and they continued eating.

"Looks like it's healing," Hagrid said as he watched Alice put a silver liquid on the scar, that had formed across her face. "Yeah, well, it will leave a scar definitely. But Malia's blood made it look less horrific," Alice said as she closed the lid on the small jar and put It back into the shelf. Then she went over to her little dragon, which jumped onto her lap as she sat down and curled up in it. "At least yeh look badass now," Hagrid said and laughed. "I guess," Alice said and smiled at him. "Alice, what really happened that day? I know yeh didn't just trip and fall, yeh have better reflexes than that," Hagrid asked her. "Fine," Alice sighted and began to explain everything that happened that day. 

"Wait," Hagrid said as she finished talking. "Are you helping -," Hagrid questioning but Alice cut him off. "No! God does no one trust me?!" Alice said insulted. "Now, calm down, I trust yeh. Yeh are just, yeh know, the Eternal," Hagrid whispered. "So, I don't know what to do around yeh, but I trust yeh," he reassured her. "Over these months, yeh have grown to be like my daughter, Alice, so of course I trust yeh," he said, which made Alice smile. "Thank you, Hagrid," Alice said and petted Malia, who was quietly sleeping on her lap. 

"But I recommend yeh talk to the three. Hermione has been down here every day for the past three months lookin' for yeh, but I always had to cover for yeh," Hagrid suggested, but Alice shook her head. "Don't you see what she did to my face? And I am not talking to Harry, he doesn't even trust me. He would rather trust his superiors than his former friend," Alice said. "Yeh are friends, not former friends," Hagrid said. "Not according to him. He said he never trusted me, and he specifically mentioned that I am not his friend," she answered. "At least talk to Hermione, Alice. She is sorry for what she did, she looked so worried about yeh the last days she has been here, I was almost about to tell her where yeh were," Hagrid replied. Alice sighted. 

"I guess I could talk to her. She'll have to find me so the next time she is here, tell her where I went," Alice demanded, and Hagrid nodded and agreed. "I believe she will come over after their dinner feast again. Are yeh here tonight?" Hagrid asked her. "No, I was going to after the mama mooncalf tonight. I have the feeling her baby might come tonight," Alice said and smiled. "That is very sweet of yeh to care for these creatures like I do," Hagrid answered and smiled. "I honestly don't know how yeh are so good with the creatures. I mean, they all seem really fond of yeh," Hagrid said surprised. "I guess it's a gift," Alice laughed at got up from her chair. 

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