chapter 8

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"Do you feel any different?" Sirius asked Alice, as they ate leftovers of the easter feast, that Harry had smuggled out of the Great Hall that evening. "Not really, no. I thought I would get some sort of feeling of overprotectiveness, but nothing," Alice remarked. "I don't know if you'd feel different or not anyways. Yet again, there is not much known about immortals, especially since all of them vanished," Sirius pointed out. "Vanished? What do you mean vanished?" Alice asked confused. "When You-Know-Who started to gain power, all 7 immortals went into hiding. After what happened with Barnabas Deverill and later on Grindelwald as well, they did not want to risk anything anymore," Sirius explained

"Who are they?" Alice asked him. "Two very dark wizards. Powerful too. Barnabas Deverill lived sometime around the 18th century and possessed the most powerful wand in the world. He terrorised a lot of people, wizards and muggles. He killed many too and formed an army, so he could rule over everyone. He was later killed by another wizard, who wanted the wand for himself. And Grindelwald, to be honest I thought you would have heard about him already, given your age," Sirius speculated. "Never did. How could I have, not knowing anything about the world of magic," Alice claimed. "Right, my apologies. Grindelwald wanted the same thing: to rule. He wanted power, worldwide respect and blood purity. He wanted to start a war with the muggles and end them, so he could rule over everyone alive on this planet. But after Dumbledore defeated him in 1945, he disappeared. No one knows to where," Sirius explained. 

Alice sighted. She would have never thought that there would be so much darkness out in the world, so many people wanted to rule over all. Wanting to destroy the non-magic people. But hearing about it from Sirius sounded familiar, almost as if she knew what had happened so many decades ago. Also the names, Grindelwald especially, seemed a bit familiar to her, but she couldn't spell it out. So, she just shrugged her thoughts off and focused on something else. 

"But wouldn't I have had the choice to say no as well if someone else would've asked me?" Alice questioned. "Well, I don't know, no one knows except for the ones that go through it," Sirius explained. "But I don't know for sure what happens," he added. Alice shrugged her shoulder and for a couple of minutes they both continued eating. "But how was it that the immortals could just decide to leave. I mean did they pic their side if they had been living for so long already?" Alice asked. "I'm not sure. Maybe in the end, when their 'side' disappears or dies, they are thrown neutral again. Or whenever a war is over, they don't need a side anymore to stay on. That's why they all vanished after Grindelwald disappeared. And You-Know-Who was really trying hard to find them when he was on the rise, but they are hidden so well, not even their family or closest friends know where they are. Not even the immortals know where everyone is. They are just gone. As if they never existed," Sirius stated.

"Beautiful, day," Hermione said, as her, Ron and Harry walked out into the front gardens of Hogwarts. "Gorgeous. Unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces," Ron replied. "What are you talking about?" Harry asked confused. "Ronald has lost his rat," Hermione responded annoyed. "I haven't lost anything. Your cat killed him," Ron snapped offended. "Rubbish," Hermione mumbled. "Harry, you've seen how that blood thirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. Scabbers is gone!" Ron wept. "Well, maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets," Hermione snapped at him. "Your cat killed him!" Ron replied outraged. "Did not!" Hermione yelled. "Did," Ron answered, and the fight went along like that until they got down to the hut, where they met Alice.

"What's wrong with you two?" Alice asked, as she heard Ron and Hermione yell at each other while walking down the hill. "They are bickering about their pets," Harry explained and walked over to Alice, while Ron and Hermione were still fighting. "Hey, stop it now. We are here to see Hagrid and not look for lost rats," Alice yelled at them. "He isn't lost. He is dead, and all because of her cat," Ron yelled and pointed at Hermione. "That is not true! You are just enough of an idiot to lose your pets," Hermione responded angered. "Says you," Ron mumbled. 

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