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Luna was greeted by several teenage boys when she walked into her home

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Luna was greeted by several teenage boys when she walked into her home. The overwhelming smell of cheap cologne and microwave popcorn hit her nose, causing her to visibly grimace. Seth, the youngest of the bunch, ran forward and hugged her, asking her how her day was. Luna hugged him back and replied with the simple answer of "Fine." before heading into her kitchen.

The girl set her backpack on the floor as she bent down to open the fridge. She sighed and pulled out a bowl of leftovers from the night before. Then, she pivoted and closed the fridge, jumping at who she saw next.

"How's it going, Luna." She heard his familiar voice ask her.

"Issac," Luna spoke, startled at the unexpected guest, "what are you doing here?"

He explained, "I'm a friend of Embry's."

"A friend of Embry's?" She questioned.

Issac nodded, "Yeah, did you not know?"

She kept an eye on him while putting her food into the microwave, "Well, how have you been?"

Issac only shook his head, "I've been okay. How have you been, Luna?"

"I've been great!" She said a little too enthusiastically.

"You were out of school for a while, did something happen?" The brunette boy asked.

"I was just sick for a week." She lied through her teeth.

Issac and Luna only eyed each other before he finally asked, "How's your vampire boyfriend?"

Her eyes widened before looking over the boy's shoulder into the living room. No one in there seemed to notice the conversation. In the front room sat a group of teen boys, laughing and throwing popcorn at one another.

The girl then looked back at the boy and watched as he shook his head, "They're not listening."

"Jasper is fine." She told him, "And so are the others."

Issac tilted his head, "Is he coming over here tonight?"

"No, he's not." Luna replied, "You know about the treaty don't you?"

Issac nodded took a seat at the counter and watched as she prepared her food. Part of her just thought that he wanted to be smug but another thought he was genuinely curious. She only ignored the feeling before furrowing her brows and turning to him once again.

"I have a question for you." She informed the boy, "If your parents are," she looked over his shoulder again, "monster hunters, like you said, why haven't they come after the Cullens already?"

The brunette boy told her, "I think it's because they know the Cullens aren't nearly as bad as the other monsters."

"But I don't understand... How many other monsters are there?"

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