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"Save some for your brothers!" Emily scolded, "And ladies first! Would you like a muffin?"

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"Save some for your brothers!" Emily scolded, "And ladies first! Would you like a muffin?"

Luna and Bella smiled, both accepting one of the freshly baked muffins on the table. The native girl bit into it, enjoying the taste of chocolate chip muffin a little too much when she realized she hadn't eaten since the afternoon before. She devoured the entire thing within six bites.

"Jacob didn't say anything to me, by the way." Bella clarified to the group.

"Yeah," Embry nodded and explained, "It's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them to or not. Oh— and check it out— we can hear each others thoughts."

Jared sent the boy a deep glare before exclaiming, "Well you shut up! These are trade secrets, damn it! This chick runs with vampires!"

Bella replied with, "You can't really run with vampires... Cause they're fast."

Luna couldn't help but let out a small laugh, nearly choking on the remains of chocolate chip muffin. She noticed a small grin on Embry's face as well. They then turned to look out the window when the sound of two engines rolling over sounded in front of the home.

Jared raised a brow before shooting back, "Yeah? Well we're faster. Freaked out yet?"

"Jared, don't taunt her." Luna said, rolling her brown eyes.

"You're not the first monsters I've met." Bella told him.

Sam then appeared, walking up to Emily and kissing her on the forehead, "Jake's right," He said, "you're good with weird."

Jacob, Paul, and Issac then appeared at the front door. Issac let out a laugh when Jacob and Paul began roughhousing and shoving one another. He then smiled when Luna's eyes locked with his own.

"Sorry." Paul apologized to Bella when he took a seat in front of her.

She forced a forgiving smile on her lips before excusing herself from the home, Jacob following after her. Issac then asked Luna if they could have a minute to talk outside. She nodded before following him out of the home and into the mossy front yard.

Luna said, "I thought you didn't know they're wolves-"

"I didn't." Issac began, "Or, at least, not about Jake, Quil, or Embry. Remember how my parents know your dad from the counsel meetings? Well Sam is on he counsel too and he's friends with my parents. He actually texted me saying to get to your house. When I did, he and Jacob explained everything to me. Afterwards, I came here to make sure you were okay."

Luna was surprised that she didn't know that Sam and Issac knew each other before. Well, there was actually a lot about the Robert's Family that she didn't know. She pushed aside her thoughts for a moment.

"I'm happy you came." The girl smiled, "Thank you for coming to check on me."

"Of course." He then joked, "You almost get mauled by Paul and you expect me not to?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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