Chapter 8 🍂

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Hermione and Draco hesitated. They hadn't decided on this. They hadn't even mentioned it. 'I don't want to know.' determined Hermione. 'Draco, you can see it if you want, just don't tell me.' Draco shook his head and said, 'No, I don't want to know either.' Madam Pomfey nodded faintly, looking distracted. She then took Draco out of the room for what she claimed to be a 'Healer to father talk'. 

When they left Hermione looked around the room nervously. She glanced over at Madam Pomfrey's desk. There sat three files. Madam Pomfrey had explained that two of them where medical conditions and facts about the two parents, and the other was the sex of the babies. Hermione got a weird craving to look through Draco's file.

The files weren't labelled so Hermione tried her luck and picked up a random one. She peeked inside and read; Sex of baby A is-. The door opened, revealing Madam Pomfrey and Draco. 'You looked!' accused Draco. She shook her head and said, 'No! No, I didn't, I-I didn't see anything!'

Draco did not drop his story throughout the whole way back to their flat. 'I told you, I didn't see anything!'  Hermione insisted for the hundredth time. Draco shook his head blankly and fell silent. They arrived at their flat and Hermione ran to the fridge. 

She pulled out a jar of pickles and beamed. She then opened the tiny freezer which was on top of the fridge and pulled out a jar of ice-cream. She ripped the lid off the pickles and lifted the lid of the ice-cream jar with one hand, pickle in the other.

She took the pickle and dived it deep into the ice-cream, leaving a hole. Hermione stuffed the pickle in her mouth and moaned as she bit into the ice-cream covered pickle. 'I,' said Draco, looking disgusted. 'Am going to the Owlery! Bye!' Hermione waved her hand at him carelessly, stuffing another pickle in her mouth. Draco ran out of the room and left Hermione standing there, fingers covered in ice-cream.

She washed her hands, put all the food back into the fridge or freezer, and left the flat too. She searched for the flat labelled, 'Ginny and Harry Potter.' At last she found it and gave the door three loud knocks. The door opened, revealing Ginny Weasley. 'Hermione!' she cried. Hermione noticed a tiny bump sticking out of her normally flat stomach. 

'You got a bump!' she exclaimed and Ginny nodded frantically. She invited Hermione inside. After greeting Harry and Ron (who had also come to visit), she asked Ginny for a private word. Ginny led them into a beautiful bedroom, much like Hermione's and Draco's. They both sat down on the bed and Ginny stared at Hermione.

'So what's up?' she asked. Hermione hesitated. 'So.. you know how you said that you wanted to get revenge on George?' she said. 'Yeah...' replied Ginny suspiciously. Hermione told her about her dream back at the Burrow, her dream there at Hogwarts, and her plan to make George jealous, yet bring his family together. 

Ginny merely stared into space while Hermione explained about the dreams (this reminded Hermione of Luna Lovegood), but agreed enthusiastically when Hermione told her about the plan. They walked out of the bedroom, looking as innocent as they possibly could in the present situation. 'Bye guys!' smiled Hermione, making her way to the door.

They all said bye back to her and Hermione left. When she found her way back to her flat she found Draco, sitting on the couch, legs crossed, smirking up at her. 'I know you looked.' he announced. Hermione rolled her eyes, not even bothering to deny it as she knew that he would not drop it. 

'So I sneaked a peek.' he continued. Hermione's eyes shot to him. 'You know perfectly well that it's one of each gender.' Hermione gasped. 'It-It's one of each?' she asked him. Draco looked horrified. 'Er- I didn't know that you were telling the truth, I- er- no- I- er- I lied...?' he replied, shame in his eyes. 'It's one of each!' exclaimed Hermione, giving a little jump.

Draco looked more than relieved that she had not attacked him. She ran over to him and hugged him. She felt her body halt earlier than it ordinarily would have. She looked down and saw a bump sticking out of her belly, stopping her from getting any closer to Draco. His eyes shot to where she was looking and he gasped happily. 

Hermione should have known! Ginny already had a bump and she had taken the potion after her. They beamed at each other. Draco grabbed Hermione's left hand and placed it on her belly, laying his on top of hers.

'Hey little babies.' he whispered. 'We're your parents. And we love you!' Hermione thought that that was the sweetest thing she had every seen. She felt a rush of guilt towards the fact that she was using him to teach her ex-boyfriend a lesson. She quickly pushed this feeling away though. 

The two seventh years went to the Great Hall for dinner because neither of them felt like cooking. They told their group of friends (a.k.a, Harry, Ginny, Neville, Luna and Ron) about the genders and they, being the awesome friends that they were, were ecstatic for them. The group had started to warm up to Draco, the fact that he wasn't acting like a big arrogant, bullying git really helped.

They had finished their food and were about to leave when Headmistress McGonagall cleared her throat. 'As you all well know, Hogwarts has only recently reopened. To celebrate this we are hosting a ball on Christmas eve. We are inviting students from Beaxbautons Academy and Durmstrang Institute to celebrate with us. Old students shall be invited as well. Thank you.'

The group exchanged looks. 'Is Vicky coming?' asked Ron mockingly after a few silent moments. Hermione laughed and so did the rest of the group. Ginny pulled Hermione aside. 'You know this means George might come right?' she said nervously, as if scared of Hermione's reaction. 'Oh but that's perfect!' beamed Hermione.

'Huh.' said Ginny blankly, not understanding how that could be perfect. ''Cause he needs to find out about me and Malfoy in some way. And if we went to your house then he could suspect that it was a set up. But if he comes to Hogwarts... then he could just 'walk in' on us by accident and then he would know! It's the perfect plan!' explained Hermione brightly. 

Ginny seemed to think for a few moments but then beamed. 'You really are the brightest witch in our year!' Hermione laughed and then turned back to the others. 'Everything alright?' asked Neville. Hermione and Ginny nodded, wide smiles on their faces.

Words in this chapter: 1142

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