No pain no gain

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Multiple weeks later, when we had gotten to know each other a bit more, we decided to use some of the money we won to pay for a quirk gym that we lived close by to.

It was only a block or two away and would be able to help us train for the UA entrance exams.

So, we began our journey to become heroes and headed off to the gym near sunset every day.

Once, some strange odd man looked like he was checking some girl out by the bench press. This became completely obvious over time as I constantly saw the girl moving away and the man getting closer.

I'd had already had enough, he needed to mind his own damn business.

I marched over to the man, already cracking my knuckles and gritting my teeth. He stopped and stared at me as I continued angrily storming towards him and the innocent girl.

I wasted no time waiting for him to say something and punched him right across the face, causing his jaw to make a cracking sound and a tooth to be knocked out.

"Stop it you pedo." I spat on him.

I grabbed the girl's hand gently and lead her to where we were, over by the leg workouts. We introduced ourselves and told her what to do if someone does something like that again.

Once she had left, I did some final stretches and grabbed my water bottle.

"I'm going to head home now." I wrapped a towel around my sweaty shoulders.

"I'll come with!" Arlo ran over to me.

"Okay, bye guys!! We're leaving now." I took another sip of water then we were off.

We got home and I stood in the kitchen, staring out at the beautiful city lights.

My peace was rudely interrupted by Jazzy and Keigo bursting through the door, wheezing like they didn't even need to breathe.

"You guys always find something to laugh about," I rolled my eyes as I walked to the door. "What is it this time?"

Obviously, they didn't listen and instead flopped themselves on the sofa to roll about.

"PPPHHHH. I- I." They kept trying to breathe in between laughs so often that I thought they were dying.


"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes again in a baritone voice and began to wander off to my bedroom.

As soon as I got there, I flipped on the bed, bit even caring to change my clothes; my body felt so tired...

But hey, on the bright side, this is taking steps forward to becoming a hero.

"No pain, no gain I guess..." I muttered as I drifted off into sleep.

I'm so sorry this chapter is short! I'm quite tired and im also exhausted from school and my personal life. I once again wasn't sure what I should do again for this chapter but I have more ideas for future chapters. Thank you so much for reading! <3

Word count- 509

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