Oh Really-?

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(Tabi POV)
Spade takes a cigarette and lights it, "Tabi, i think it's time to do what you do best.."
I look at Spade as he blew smoke out of his mouth in confusion. "Rapping?" I asked confused. "No dumbass, genocide, bombs, that shit." Spade said in annoyance, he sounded like he was pissed, not like himself, "oh- right....." I said rolling my eyes, "Where gonna have to walk.. back to the city." Spade said as he turned towards the large town. "Lets get moving before it gets darker." Spade said, stomping out the cigarette. "Clover and Agoti stay here and make sure Nugget and yourselves stay hidden, Incase the police show back up." Spade said, still looking towards the city. Clover nods and Agoti looked hella bored, Agoti stood up and started to walk over to us. "Can I pleaseee go, im so bored" Agoti said, leaning on my shoulder, "oh hush, you will be fine." I say pushing him off. "Aaauaggghhh." Agoti said as he plopped himself on the ground near Nugget and Clover, Clover looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Lets head out, sooner the later we get there the better." Spade said stretching before starting to walk towards the city, I start walking with Spade to the city, but Agoti comes up behind me and hugs me. I blush and say, "A-Agoti can you please get off-" i Say slouching slightly over from the weight of him. He turned me around to face me, "be careful.. please" I saw the plead in his eyes, I nod. "I will, i promise Agoti." I say patting his shoulder. "Hurry up, I'm not waiting all night." Spade yelled, already ahead of them by much. I hug Agoti and run towards Spade.
I thought about what i just did and put my hat Infront of my face to hide me blushing.

(Time skip, just walking)

Me and Spade kept walking, he looked at me a few times. He finally spoke, "Tabi," he said putting his hand in his jean pockets. "Yes-?" I say looking up at him and crossing my arms. "Do you..like-like Agoti-?" He says still looking forward. I jump at the statement, "n-no.. no not at all-! Where just f-friends! Yeah friends." I say blushing, and awkwardly. "Liar, I know you like him, I've seen the way you look at him, your secret is safe with me, Comrade." Spade said looking at me and dipping his head at me. I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you- Spade" i say taking a deep breath.
We came up on the city soon enough, we both stopped infront of the entrance. "You bring ur bombs? Or do I need to give you some supplies?" Spade said reaching into his pocket. "No no.. i brought many..." I slightly opened my hoodie pocket to many hand grenades and time bombs. Spade nods and we both walked into the city.
I keep my head down as we looked for good targets. We hear some music like sounds coming from one of the alley ways. We come up closer and we see a small blue haired boy, a tall bomb man with shapes in his eyes and...MY EX!?
I get the wave of rage seeing her..and that little shit too.. i gave him a chance to leave her but he refused, i have no fucking idea who the bomb man is. "hey dude snap out of it." Spade said snapping his fingers infront of my face.
"Right.." i said shaking them out of my head. "Those two can be our first targets.." i say with a slight smile. Spade looks at me and shrugged "Ok then." He said simply.
I threw a hand grenade at them and it landed right in the middle of the three of them. The blue haired boy looked at it like it was a rat and girlfriend looked at it like she knew it from somewhere, it's suddenly exploded right in their face, i heard a scream that ended to quickly. The blue haired boy ran out of the smoke and fell right infront of us, coughing and crying. I look at him and scoffed, i bent down to his level and he looked at me, "i gave you one last chance, you aren't so lucky this time.. i was about to punch him before Spade leaped infront of me and stabbed him, he screamed in his high pitched voice. Spade kept stabbing him untill he stopped, red blood scarred all over the side walk and alley way walls. And Spades face, after he was done, he stood up and stretched, we saw the bomb man step out of the smoke and stare at us in horror, bit it soon turned to an impressed look. Spade looks him up and down, he shifted his knife and started to walk towards him but i stopped him and I walked over. "He looks familiar.." my mind said but I just shook it off. He looked at me in confusion, i grabbed him by his hoodie and said, "don't tell anyone about this or you'll end up like him." I pointed at the blue haired boy's limp body on the ground, with a blood stained shirt. "Oh yes, i wont. Thank you." He said, and pushed me off of him and dusted off his shoulders, "Thank you-? What do you mean by that." He looked at me, i stared him in his eyes. I was serious. "They forced me to rap battle them untill i almost blew up the entire-" He suddenly stopped and looked at me in a particular way, "Are you the badass who blew up that restaurant-?" He said leaning against the brick wall, i look at him in surprise. "..no-?" I said looking away and shrugging my shoulders. He knew I was lying, and said "I really don't care if ur a wanted criminal, im actually a fan really." He said simply, "Oh well- " Spade suddenly came up next to me with girlfriends and boyfriends limp bodies. "Is there a problem With you two..-? Or.." He looked at the bomb headed man and raised an eyebrow. "Oh no- he's good." I said putting my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Ight then, names Spade," Spade said slightly waving, "Hello Spade, Whitty is the name." He said, taking his hand out to shake hands with Spade, Spade accepts. "I'm sure you already know me." I said looking at Spade now Whitty, "Heh yeah, well it was nice to see ya man, but i gotta be on the move." He said leaning off of the wall. "understood, cya" Spade waved as Whitty started to walk to the sidewalk. We watched him go down the side walk untill he disappeared. Spade looked back at me. "Lets go back, this should be good enough for him right now, to survive on at least, but we should get more in case." Spade said as he carried the corpses, i followed him and tried to cover up the corpses he was holding so no one would get suspicious about us. He handed me the corpses of the blue haired boy and my ex. "Blegh," i said, i dropped her corpse on the concrete. I admired it, happy that she is finally dead.
I heard a few screams, before Spade came back out with two more random people's corpses. He carried them and I carried the other two.
We got near the end of town, nothing much. But we came up on one of those TV stores and they where playing the news, "BLOOD FOUND IN **** ALLEY WAY ON **** STREET AVE" The news woman said. I rolled my eyes and planted a time bomb near the entrance of the shop. I was going to designated it after me and Spade got to a safe distance away.

(Time skip)

We where on the edge of town,
I was keeping alert for police sirens and shit, i forgot about the bomb untill Spade said something about it. "i know you planted that bomb dude, good thinking." He said looking back at me. "Really," i said reaching into my pocket and pulling out a button. I looked at him and pressed it. An explosion set off in the distance and Spade let out a sigh of relief. "Nice to see some fire once in a while," I smiled and we continued on our journey.

(Hint hint to the fire)

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