First Date

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I woke up early the next morning to make sure I got the contacts in, put on slight makeup and straightened my hair. I was going to blow Niall away and show Harry what he was missing. Harry. Why am I thinking about him? I'm with Niall now, well kinda, we haven't even gone on our first date yet. Ooooohh when Cassidy hears about this, well, I just can't wait to see her reaction. I start to smile at the thought. I'm running late by the time I am done getting ready. I decide to grab a cup of yogurt for breakfast and head out to my mom's car, she's been letting me drive ever since I got my permit.

"Kimberly, please slow down honey," my mom tells me.

I couldn't slow down, not when I actually feel pretty and I get to see Niall. I finally pull into the school parking lot and jump out of the car leaving my mother calling after me. I shout a quick goodbye from her and keep running toward the gate. When I finally reach the gate, I slow down trying to see if I can find Niall or Louis and hoping that some people will notice my new look, which some people did. Finally I see Louis sitting on a bench reading a book.

"Louis!" I shout

He looks up looking around to see who called his name, finally his eyes land on me. His eyes bulge out and his jaw drops, along with his book.

"K-K-Kims?" stuttered Louis.

"Yes! It's me! I got contacts, straightened my hair, and put on slight makeup," I rambled.

"I can see that," Louis replied "Kims, you know you don't have to do this. I know that you are only doing this because you think Niall will like you better and possibly to make Harry jealous, which is totally understandable, but Niall obviously likes you the way you were before."

I looked at him with a shocked look on my face.

"You can't be serious Louis. I was some ugly dork before, at least now I look decent." I reply.

"Don't you see Kims, Niall doesn't care what you look like, he asked you out for who you really are. You saw how Cassidy threw herself at him and he turned her down. He obviously doesn't care about looks." stated Louis.

"So now you're telling me Cassidy is beautiful and I'm not and I should go back to being a dork for Niall's sake?" I asked way past furious.

Before he could answer, I am on my feet pushing past everyone, trying to get to class, and hoping Niall will be there. How could Louis say those things. I mean I know that Cassidy is prettier than me, by 100%, but there was no reason he should rub it in. And why should I go back to glasses and frizzy hair and slight acne, yeah sure, Niall would totally like that Kimberly better.

"Kimberly?" said a voice coming from just outside the room

I turn around and bump into Harry. The person I least expected to see.

"Wow, can I just say, you look amazing!" exclaimed Harry.

"Well, thanks," I reply, blushing.

The bell rings and we part ways. Wow, I think to myself all I had to do was change my appearance a litte bit and Harry would have noticed me. I turn around and head back to the classroom. My spirits are lifted even more when I see Niall sitting in a seat next to mine. When he looks up, his jaw drops. That was the reaction I seemed to be getting from everyone.

"Kimberly, you look beautiful." said Niall.

"Thanks," I said feeling good about myself.

"So why'd you change your appearance so much? I liked you better when your hair had that perfect wave to it, and when you would push up your glasses when you were nervous." said Niall.

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