Louis Gets A Girlfriend

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I still can't believe what Harry did. I feel happy and excited, this is the first time two boys have ever liked me. It took long enough to find one guy to like me, but now two? This is incredible! Incredibly confusing. I don't know what I should do. I mean I've liked Harry for 10 years, and then Niall comes along and basically swept me off of my feet. I can't go out with Niall if I have feeling for Harry too, it would be wrong to lead him on like that. But what if Harry is just temporary, then I would lose him and Niall. Man, this is the problem I have always dreamed of having, yet now that I have it, I realized how hard it could actually be. My thoughts are interrupted by Louis.

"You know Niall really cares for you. Harry doesn't care what's on the inside. He's just looking at your outer beauty. I know you have feelings for him Kims, but can't you see that Niall is the one who really cares for you?" asks Louis

"I know, it's just. It's like my heart doesn't undertsand that Louis. I only have one brain and whenever it tries to send my heart a message, it fails," I reply.

"I know, sometimes it can feel like your heart has a mind of it's own," said Louis.

"I know everyone says to follow your heart, but which side of my heart do I follow?" I ask.

"Kims, you are talking to the wrong person about that. The only person that can answer that is you, and I know you already know that. Man, this drama is getting kinda out of hand." said Louis "You know that you're going to have to pick one of them soon. You can't lead Niall on if you pick Harry. And you can't go out with Harry and then come running back to Niall."

"You know, I was thinking. They have every girl at this school enchanted by them. Yet, they both pick me. Out of the couple hundred girls here, they pick me, I am both flattered and burdened," I say.

"C'mon we have to get to class, the bell's gonna ring soon,"Louis says

We get up and walk to class together. All the while I think, Niall. Niall. He is the one. He is the one I should pick. I can count on him more than I can count on Harry. I will pick Niall and forget about Harry. Then, that tiny sliver of my heart speaks up and whispers Harry.

When we walk in , I see Niall reading a book in the back of the room.

"Hey," I say as I walk up to him.

"Hey," he replies, "You're not going to get together with Harry are you?"

"What," I reply, "No, I'm going to stay with you. Harry only cares about what I look like on the outside, not what's on the inside. And someone really important to me once said that it was on the inside that counts. That is what really makes someone beautiful."

Niall smiles up at me, how could I ever resist that smile? How could I ever even think about Harry when Niall has that huge smile plastered on his face? When Louis pops up I automatically pipe up.

"So Louis, have you thought about getting a girlfriend anytime soon?" I ask

"Well," Louis said blushing, "Yeah, I've been thinking about it."

"OOOOOOO," I sqeal," Who do you have in mind? I'm a girl so I can find out if she likes you!"

"Well," Louis said, "I've kinda been checking out this girl Ella."

"You mean the petite girl with the curly red hair? Awwww, yeah she's cute! You guys would be so adorable together!" I squeal.

"Alright, alright," says Louis calmly, "We don't even know if she likes me back."

"Are you kidding?" I ask," She laughs at all of your jokes and she's always staring at you! Don't worry Louis, I'll find out for sure though."

"Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that?" inquired Louis

"I'm a girl Louis! I have my connections," I say smugly.

I was definitely going to get Louis a girlfriend. I didn't want to have one of those relationships were one friend gets boyfriend or girlfriend and then totally forgets about the other friend and then they grow apart. I would never let that happen with Louis and I, that's why I'm getting him a girlfriend. That way, we can both be friends while having other relationships and not be lone,y in case the other friend has plans with there significant other. I know that's confusing, but trust me, it's a master plan. Plus, maybe we can even go on some double dates!

Finally first period starts and the next four whizz by. Soon it's time for lunch.

"Alright Louis, Ella is sitting over there, I'll go talk to her," I state

"Okay Kims, but please try to be subtle about it. This is so embarassing." Louis groaned.

"Don't worry lad, there is nothing to be embarassed about when it comes to liking a girl," said Niall winking at me

It sent chills down my spine. I stood up and walked to Ella's table, when I was walking, I caught a glimpse of Harry smiling at me. Oh great, I thought. His smile was just as infectious as Niall's. But I wouldn't get caught in his little trap, I quickly look away and focus at the task at hand. Helping out my best friend.

When I reach Ella's table she looks up at me and smiles sweetly, she would be perfect with Louis.

"Hey Ella, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. So I'm friends with Louis, and you didn't hear it from me, but he kinda has a crush on you, and I came over to see if you felt the same way about him," I say.

I think about Louis telling me to be subtle about telling this girl about his little crush, but I just push it to the back of my mind.

"Really! Louis likes me? I didn't even think he noticed me! Wow! Yeah, I've had a crush on him for years!" squealed Ella.

Wow, I thought to myself. I'm really good at this helping you find your soul mate thing. If only I could help myself out.

"Well, this is just great then! Here's his number, he'll call you later. Then you can set up a date or something," I said, then I got up and left.

When I got back to my table, I was bombarded with questions.

"What did she say? Does she like me? What did you say?" asked Louis.

"It doesn't matter what I said,'' I said, thinking about what I said and what he said about being subtle," it just matters that she said she liked you and I gave her your number and told her that she could call you later if she was interested."

"Thank you so much Kims" Louis says giving me the biggest bear hug he could muster. "I owe you one."

"It's no big deal Louis, that's what best friends are for right?" I reply

"Right," Louis replied, "You can always count on me if you need anything Kims, you know that right?"

"Yeah, thanks Louis," I said.

And with that lunch was over.

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