Uh oh!

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"No, we're okay," said Niall harshly.

"Are you sure, because it's no problem," replied Harry teasingly.

"Harry," I speak up, "we're fine thanks for the offer."

Harry looks a little annoyed after I said that, but Niall is grinning mockingly from ear to ear at Harry.

"Let's go Kimberly, we have to go find Louis and Cassidy," said Niall emphasizing Louis and Cassidy.

"What are you talking about, Louis and Cassidy?" said Harry even more annoyed now.

"Oh, they're here on a date" said Niall even more amused now.

"What is with these people picking up all my girls," Harry muttered.

I blushed a little when he said his girls.

"Well thanks again Harry for the offer, but we have to get going," I said.

"No problem Kimberly, if you need anything, you've got my number," said Harry giving me a wink.

Harry walks away leaving Niall with a shocked expression.

"Why do you have his number," asks Niall a little bit hurt.

"It's not what you think, he texted me and I have no idea how he got my number," I reply.

I tell him the whole story about that night, Niall perked up when I mentioned Niall being the man of my dreams. We exchanged numbers there so we wouldn't forget, finally, I thought to myself. All of the sudden a thought popped into my head. What happened with that Simon Cowell recording business? Did Niall end up calling him? Niall didn't mention anything about it, is that a good thing is a bad thing? Was he waiting for me to bring it up, am I a horrible girlfriend for not bringing it up? Should I bring it up now, or is it too late. All these questions a floating through my head. I finally decide to ask him about it, better late then never right?

"So, you never did tell me what happened with that Simon Cowell guy," I said.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I know that's kind of a sensitive topic, so I wanted to find the right time to talk to you about that," Niall replied.

"Well, how about now," I say, " we're just waiting here anyway until we spot Louis."

"Okay. So I called Simon the next day so I didn't seem too anxious. It turns out, he a, so he did meet up with Harry. He wants both of us, but there is only one slot. So he said that he is going to have us compete for the slot," said Niall. "We're competing on May 8th in front of some Syco representatives, that's the recording label that wants one of us."

"Are you going to do it?" I ask.

"Yes, Kimberly, I know that you think this isn't a good idea," Niall said, "but this is life changing.i took you advice and talked to my family about it -"

"I totally support you," I said.

"Really? You're not going to try to convince me to drop out," asked Niall.

"Of course not, I understand that this is a huge opportunity. I was wrong before, this is your choice, and besides, I will not have you lose to Harry," I say, making him laugh.

"Thanks Kimberly, you really are the best girlfriend ever," said. Niall.

"So May 8th," I say, "wait, that's in three days!"

"Yeah I know, he said it was last minute because he was trying to find the right act." Niall replied.

"Okay,well, I'll definitely be there to support you," I say resting my head on Niall shoulders.

All of the sudden we spot Louis and Cassidy talking to someone. I try to look to see who it is, but there are too many people. Finally I catch a glimpse of the person, Harry.

"Niall, come on, quickly. I think Louis and Cassidy are in trouble," I say.

"What? What's wrong?" Niall asks.

"Harry is talking to Louis and Cassidy," I say. When I turn to look at Louis again, the conversation just became a lot more physical.

"Oh My Gosh! Niall! Come on,"I start running over to the fight.

When I finally get there, both boys are on the ground while Cassidy is standing off to the side with a horrified expression. Niall comes running up behind me.

"Niall," I say, "do something!"

Niall goes running into the fight and tears Harry and Louis apart.

"Stay. Away. From. Her." said Harry out of breath.

"You don't get to decide who she dates," shouted Louis. "She's done with you, so get over it! Besides, you broke up with her!"

Harry tries to lunge at Louis again, but Niall holds him back. Finally some of the faculty at the carnival come around and take Louis and Harry away, and Cassidy for being the most reliable eye witness.

"Okay," said Niall, "at least we had some entertainment tonight."

"That's my boyfriend," I say laughing, "always being optimistic."

"Alright," said Niall,"I think we can catch a cab, since Louis probably won't be able to drive us back for a while."

"Okay," I say.

"Let's stop at a diner or something," said Niall, "I'm starving, and this carnival junk is disgusting."

I laugh. I know people say that your first boyfriend is not your soul mate, but every time I look at Niall I can't help but smile and think that we were meant for each other. I hope Niall feels the same way, I think to myself. If I am his first girlfriend, and I, I wonder.

We catch a cab and end up stopping at a Nando's which I learned is Niall's favorite restaurant. At the end of the night, Niall walked me to my door again and we shared another magical kiss.

"Thanks for a wonderful night," I say.

"No problem, I had a lot of fun," said Niall, "one of the best second dates I've ever had."

Well, that answers my question of if I'm his first gf or not, I think to myself. Whatever, I remind myself, I'm with him now and that's all that matters. Besides, how could someone like Niall have someone like me as their first partner? I start to walk in.

"Call me tomorrow when you wake up?" asks Niall.

I blush a little bit, "sure," I respond.

And with that, my night with Niall was over.

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