Need A Ride?

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"Cassidy!?" I say not bothering to hide my shock.

"Uh, hey Kimberly," Cassidy responds, "can I ask why you just screamed my name?"

"Oh um, sorry. I just didnt imagine you as CJM507," I say.

"Wait a minute! Louis is LouisTommo?" She asks.

"Yessssss," I respond. "His name is in the username!"

"Well sorry, I thought Tommo was like his last name or something!" replied Cassidy.

"Well you must have had some kind of idea that Louis might be LouisTommo! How would we ever know that CJM507 was you?" I ask.

"Those are my initials and then my birthday. Cassidy Jamie Meyers, May seventh," said Cassidy.

"Whatever," I say. "Come on Louis."

"Wait, aren't you going to continue the date with me? asked Cassidy.

Before I could say "no way" Louis piped up.

"Sure, okay," he said.

I couldn't keep my jaw from dropping. Did Louis really just say he would go on a date with Cassidy? What was happening to this world? I try to speak up and tell Louis to snap out of this little daze he was in, but no words could escape my mouth. I just stood there in shock. What was Cassidy up to? There was no way Cassidy would want to actually date someone like Louis. Not that Louis not a good person or anything, but Cassidy is rich, proper, popular, and way out of Louis's league. He likes girls who are real and have a good sense of humor. Plus, Louis wasn't like the male supermodel guys that Cassidy usually dates.

"Alright, well, I'll see you guys later," said Louis to Niall and I.

"Okay, have a good time," said Niall with a smile.

How could he be smiling at this? Cassidy was definitely up to something, and there was no way I was going to let anything happen to my best friend.

"Louis!" I call. "are you sure this is good idea?"

"Yes, I'll be fine, Kims. don't worry about me," said Louis calmly.

"Come on Kimberly, let's leave the two love birds to there date," said Niall, dragging me away.

When Louis and Cassidy are out of sight, I finally speak up.

"I don't think this is a good idea. I don't trust Cassidy," I say.

"Louis will be fine," said Niall, "he's big boy, he can handle himself. Now come on, we're at a carnival. We can do all of those things you thought were romantic, like riding the Ferris wheel together, me winning prizes for you, sharing cotton candy together."

"Okay," I say, my mind still on Cassidy and Louis.

While we are walking over to the fun houses I spot Louis and Cassidy holding hands walking over to the games.

"Um, let's go over to the games," I say to Niall, wanting to keep an eye on Louis, "that way I can show off the prizes that you win for me while we walk around." I add a sweet smile, hoping he won't see Louis and Cassidy and connect the dots with my plan, luckily he doesn't.

We head over to the pop the balloon game thing, I keep my eyes on Louis and Cassidy by the ring toss while Niall pays for the darts. They look like they're having a lot of fun actually, Cassidy must be a better actress than I thought, I think to myself. The first pop of the balloon snaps my attention back to the game. Niall ends up winning me a huge dolphin stuffed animal, this is so sweet I think to myself. For that moment I forget about Louis and Cassidy. Nobody has ever done this for me. I've wished for this moment all my life and now I can't even focus on this because I'm too caught up in Louis and Cassidy. Louis and Cassidy! I forgot about them! I turn around to the ring toss, but they are already gone. Darn it! I lose focus for one minute and they disappear.

As if reading my thoughts Niall says "you don't have to keep worrying about Louis. I know you only came over here because Louis and Cassidy were by the ring toss."

I'm mortified, I didn't think he could see through my plans.

"Can we just focus on this date, please. Like you said this is only like our second date, let's enjoy it," said Niall.

"Okay, you're right," I say.

This time I actually mean it. Louis can handle himself, I'm just being over protective of my best friend. I enjoyed the rest of my romantic date with my bf. We rode the Ferris wheel and went in the fun houses and shared cotton candy and Niall even won me two more prizes, he's so cute like that.

When the end of the night rolls around, I have no idea where Louis and Cassidy are. I hadn't seen them since the ring toss. Oh no, I think. Did Cassidy do something to him? Is Louis okay? I guess Niall saw the worried look on my face because he spoke up.

"I'm sure Louis and Cassidy are okay."

"I'm not worried about Cassidy," I reply.

"Okay, well, I'm sure Louis is okay. He looked like he was having a lot of fun with Cassidy," said Niall.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I say. "Wait, how are we going to leave without Louis?"

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that," replied Niall.

"None of us did," I said.

Great, I think to myself. Now what? Our prayers where answered when someone came up behind us and said

"Need a ride?"

I was so thankful. I was ready to run up and give them a hug, until I realized who it was.


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