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I wake up the next morning totally refreshed, I couldn't stop replaying our kiss over and over again in my head. For the first time in my life I actually wanted to skip this weekend and go back to school. I'm really going crazy I thought to myself. I'm obsessing over a boy that I have only known for two days and already went on a date with him. Oh my gosh, I thought to myself. I just met this guy! He could be some serial killer from Ireland and that's why he transferred! And I kissed him! Wait a minute Kimberly slow down! You did not make out with a serial killer. Why am I thinking such horrible thoughts about Niall? He's such a sweet guy, he wouldn't hurt a fly. But what if, I wonder to myself.

I finally yank myself out of bed and decide to tell Louis all about my date. Should I tell him about the kiss, no, that would just be awkward. Then again, it made the night really special. Whatever, knowing Louis he'll probably asked if we kissed anyway, and what's the point in lying? When I reach for my phone I realize that I never got Niall's phone number. Figures Kimberly, you've only known him for two days I tell myself. See, this is how little I know about my boyfriend that I started dating the day after I met him. I dial Louis's phone number and it only takes two rings before he picks up.

"How was you date," Louis screams into the phone.

"Geez Louis, I just woke up, can you keep it down please," I ask

"Sorry, I'm just really excited. I've been waiting like forever to hear about this date! Sheesh Kims, it's 2 in the afternoon and you're just getting up? Let me guess, you were dreaming about Niall so you didn't want to wake up until you really had to am I right?" Louis inquired.

"You know Louis, you can be really annoying sometimes," I respond.

We continue talking for a couple hours, and just like I assumed, Louis asked if we kissed and I told him the truth. So we spent about a half hour talking about the kiss. Finally at arounf 4 I got off the phone and went to go get ready for the long weekend ahead before I could see Niall. Geez, I've only known the guy for two days and I'm already obsessed with him, I keep thinking to myself.

The weekend drags on for a life time, until finally it come to a close and I find myself waking up to a Monday morning. Today is the day I think to myself. Today is the day, that I can see Niall again. I make a mental note to get Niall's phone number and then quickly get ready. In my normal attire of course, no makeup, contacts, or straight hair, just how Niall likes it.  I even fluff up my hair a little more, trying to make it as natural looking as possible, without making it look like I've been sleeping outside for a week. Although I do feel bad for having my mom buy all of this stuff for me and then I don't even use it.

I hurry up and get ready and then I am out the door. When I reach the school, I have a giddy feeling in my stomach. I see Niall at the other end of the parking lot talking to Louis. Well, I thought to myself, I think it will be good for my bestfriend and boyfriend hang out with each other. Then, if Louis ever needs someone to hang out with, he could hang out with us. Which made me think, I need to get Louis a girlfriend. It wouldn't be too hard. Lots of girls had tiny crushes on Louis because he was cute and was really funny. Louis just never seemed interested. Maybe now that I'm in a relationship, he'll reconsider.

I get out of the car and quickly hug my mom goodbye. I run over to Niall and Louis to find that they are both looking over at Niall's iPhone. They seem to be on Facebook.

"Um, hey guys, what's going on?'' I ask

"Well," said Louis, "It seems as though Cassidy and Harry broke up."

"Oh, well that's great news!" I replied enthusiastically.

I couldn't undertsand why Niall and Louis looked so concerned.

"Why is that great news Kimberly?" asked Niall

"Well he was way too good her, he could do so much better than that fake barbie doll," I reply

"Do you have feelings for Harry, Kimberly," asked Niall

"No, why," I say a little bit shocked

"Because it says here that he dumped Cassidy because he had always had feelings for you, but wasn't sure if you felt the same, but on Friday he comments that you were flirting with him, so he decided he should make his move." stated Niall trying to hide a hurt look, but wasn't doing too good at it.

"What?" I shout, "He is just, ugh, so infuriating! I never flirted with him!, he came up to me! I need to punch something!"

"There's a punching bag in the gym," Louis suggests

"I was thinking more on the lines of Harry's face," I scream.

Although that wasn't really true, I was jut speaking in the spur of the moment. I was actually quite flattered that Harry broke up with Cassidy just for me. Even though I know he only wants to date me because of how I looked on Friday. I know I should be mad at him, and I should just keep going out with Niall. That's the safest thing to do, but a small piece of my heart is still leaning towards Harry. There's just something about Harry that makes him so charming and lovable. That's what I hated about Harry, I couldn't get over him, even when I had Niall as a boyfriend. Well if you could call Niall my boyfriend, I mean I know we've only gone on one date, but I don't know, it meant a lot to me. I know I'm blowing it totally out of proportion, but I think Niall's feelings for me are pretty strong too. I decided to still keep Harry in mind before taking my relationship too far with Niall. I know I would regret that decision forever, but I couldn't help it. Harry was Harry, it wasn't like I could control my heart over who to like. Niall was the good guy, the one I should definitely go with, he looked on the inside and saw me for who I was. Harry didn't notice me for 10 years until I changed my whole appearance. I was lucky to have a chance to be with someone like Niall, and here I was wasting it on someone like Harry.

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