Forgiveness is Crucial in a Relationship

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The next morning, I feel awful. My eyes are still puffy from crying myself to sleep, which was late last night. I only got about 4 hours of sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Ella, and Niall, and Louis, and Harry. Wait, why am I thinking about Harry, he doesn't deserve to be in my thoughts. He ruined my relationship with Niall. I just want to curl up and stay in bed all day, I can't even stand the thought of facing Niall right now. I feel awful. Stop hating yourself and get ready, I tell myself. I get ready, the way Niall likes-all natural, and head out.

On my way to school, I practice a few lines of what I could say to Niall, but none of them sounded right. I was getting nervous. Maybe I could just avoid him I thought. Darn it! We have all the same classes. I'll just stick with Louis, maybe if he sees me with Louis, he won't talk to me.

When I walk into the classroom, all my plans come tumbling down when I see Louis and Niall talking together. Great, now what, I think to myself. I decide to just head to the back of the room
And hope not to be noticed. Those plans are killed too when Louis calls out

"Kims, over here!"

Well, now I definitely don't have a choice. Now I have to walk over there. I have no idea what Niall's reaction will be. I don't even know what I should say. I'll just keep quiet, I think to myself. I'll just stand by and listen to the two boys' conversation and then, when they forget I'm standing there, I'll sneak away.

"Um, hey guys," I squeak.

"Uh, Kimberly, could I talk to you alone for second," said Niall.

Oh no! I think. I can't handle talking to Niall alone, not after what happened yesterday. Was he still mad at me? Was he taking me away from Louis to yell at me? No, Niall wasn't like that. I walk over to the corner of the room with Niall not knowing what to expect.

"I'm sorry Kimberly," said Niall.

I didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't that.

"Niall, please. I should be the apologizing, not you. You were right, I should have stood up to Harry for our relationship," I said.

Niall smiled. "I'm proud of you Kimberly, I think you are really breaking out of your shell and facing your insecurities."

He gave me a hug and and we walked back to Louis holding hands.

"Ooooo, well. I see everyone made up," said Louis.

I'm glad Louis is back to being is normal funny self. I finally convinced him that it wasn't like he intentionally hit her, so it was ok. Everyone makes mistakes.

"Yeah," I respond, "Everything's going great!"

I lift up the hand I'm holding with Niall, to show Louis.

I feel better now that everything is working out with Niall and that Louis is in a better mood.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur, I was so thankful that Niall and I made up. It was nice to get the simple gestures from a boyfriend, like quick kisses and the sweet compliments. I avoided Harry at all costs and just focused on Niall. The talent show was only four days away, and Niall still hasn't told me what he was singing. I honestly didn't care what he was singing, I would support him no matter what.

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