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We pulled up in Louis's driveway and just sat there for a while, in silence.the whole car ride was silent, which I was grateful for. When we finally walk in, Louis explains the situation to his mother, leaving out the unneeded details. She looks over at me.

"Of course Kimberly, you know you are always more than welcome," says Mrs. Payne warmly.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Payne," I say quietly.

I walk upstairs and into the guest room where I usually stay when I stay over night at Louis's. I quickly call me mom letting her know that I'm sleeping over at Louis's. After I hang up, I realize that I don't have any clothes or toiletries. I knew I could have called my mom back and asked her to drop some stuff off, but I didn't want to trouble her with anything. I decide I can just sleep in the clothes I'm wearing and skipping brushing my teeth for one night won't kill me. I collapse on the bed from exhaustion and fall right asleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I let out a groan before reaching over to see who is calling me. I roll my eyes when I see that it's Niall. I shouldn't answer it. I need to let him know that he really hurt me, and that he can't do things like that. Buuuutttt, on the other hand, I really miss Niall. What if he has a really good explanation, I ask myself. Then we can work everything out. I'll never know unless I answer the phone, I say convincing myself.

"Hello," I mumble into the phone.

"Kimberly, please you have to listen to me, I'm so sorry about last night. I just really wanted to impress Alyssa so that I could get some good songs. I know that it wasn't right, and I know that I should have stood up for you, I don't know why I didn't. I just, I was so focused on building my career. I promise that it won't happen again. You're the only one that I want to be with, you have to believe me," Niall begged

"Okay," I say.

"Okay?" asked Niall.

"Okay, I believe you. Yes, it was wrong what you did, but I believe that it won't happen again. To be honest, I really missed you and I don't like having these fights with you," I say.

I can practically hear the smile in Niall's voice, which makes me feel pretty good.

"Thank you so much, K, can I call you that again? I promise it won't happen again, you are the only one I wan to be with," Niall said.

I can't help but smile.

"Yes, you can call me K again," I say. "So when do you start recording?"

"Well, there are going to be ten songs on the first album and I start recording tomorrow," Niall said.

"Wow, this is going really fast," I say.

"I know, but they said once my career gets going, work will slow down a bit. They just want to get my career going ASAP," said Niall.

We talk for a little while longer before I finally hang up. I decide to head downstairs and start my day. I'd head back to my house in a few hours, I needed a few hours to hang out with my best friend and talk about everything that's going on.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, the smell of eggs and bacon hits me in the face.

"Good morning Kimberly, would you like some breakfast?" Mrs. Payne asks.

"That would be great thanks," I say.

I find Louis already at the table stuffing his face with eggs.

"It's about time you woke up," says Louis.

"Hey, I needed my beauty sleep," I respond waving my hands around my face and knotted up hair.

"Well, it looks like you didn't get enough," said Louis jokingly.

I playfully smack him on the arm.

After breakfast, Louis and I head over to their living room. We talk about everything that's going on in our lives. I tell Louis about my phone call with Niall this morning. We talk about Cassidy and it just feels nice to talk to someone and feel uncomfortable or pressured. I felt grateful to have someone like Louis to talk to

After a couple of hours, I decide to head home.

When I walk in I call out for my mom, but don't get an answer. I find a note on the counter.

Hi honey,

Out with some friends won't be back until late tonight, there's food in the fridge, have fun and be good

Love mom.

Great, I think to myself, forever alone. I end up just crashing on the couch for the rest of the night, what else was there to do? I was bored out of my mind! Sometimes I wish that I had a best friend that was a girl, don't get me wrong I love Louis, I really do, but sometimes I wish I had someone to go to the mall with. Or talk about cute guys with, someone to gossip with or read fashion magazines with. I know I'm not the most fashionable girl here, but that doesn't mean I don't like to be in with the trends or look good. What about Cassidy, I think to myself. Could I ask her to hang out? After everytthing she's done to me, would I pretend it never even happened and go back to being friends with her? It was worth a try, I think to myself. It's not like there's anything better to do, I'm just sitting here watching Netflix. Maybe I'll find out what the real reason of her tripping me that day in third grade was.

I don't have her number so I quickly call up Louis and ask him for it. He was pretty perplexed by my request, but he gave it to me anyway.

I quickly dial her number.

"Hello?" she says through the phone.

"Um hey Cassidy, this is Kimberly," I say.

"Kimberly? How did you get my number?" she asked.

"I got it from Louis," I respond, "so um, I was thinking, would you want to maybe come over to my house for like a slumber party or something?"

I could tell she was shocked, and honestly, I was too. I have been shocking myself a lot these past few days. I wasn't sure what her response would be so I waited anxiously,after a long pause, I thought for sure she would say no.

"Um yeah, sure, where do you live?" she asked.

I was shocked! I quickly told her my address and then we hung up. I tried to hurry up and clean up the house a little bit, I'll tell my mom that Cassidy slept over later. I know she'll be shocked too, she knew all about Cassidy and her ways.

I finish making my bed, when I hear the doorbell ring. I rush downstairs to answer it.

"Hey Cassidy," I say, "come on in."

Cassidy walks in and we stand there for a while awkwardly.

"This is awkward," I say, "can we just hang out, I know things were weird, but I think we could still be friends."

Cassidy agrees and we head upstairs to my room. We start talking about fashion and gossip, just like I always imagined things being if I had girl best friend.

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