Before you read

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So this started as a multi-part story in my MHA oneshot book (click the external link to be redirected) but it was getting a lot more praise than I had expected so instead of focusing too much on a single storyline, I'm expanding here as its own book. Some chapters may be longer or shorter than others but I'll try to keep them roughly the same length. Three chapters were already written before this book was made so if you were keeping up with the series in the oneshot book, Chapter 4 is where the new content will begin. Before I add the pre-story info, I'd like to add a few special mentions.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the serious so far and a special dedication to the one who was first to support the idea of continuing this series as a book:






Denki is 28

Y/N's Quirk: Phantom - This quirk only presents itself after the user dies. After they die, they continue living on as a ghost with the following abilities (though they have to be discovered over time): intangibility, invisibility, possession, telekinesis, the ability to take on a physical form of either your biological appearance or your ideal image of yourself

Backstory: You died of a drug overdose at a party when you were 23. You continued to work at your old job as a club pole dancer/stripper. At this point, you own the place since you outlived one of the owners and it was left to you because you had already been working there for hundreds of years. You've currently been working there for over a thousand years. In the time you've owned the club, you've added a hotel with a casino.

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