Chapter 5

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Denki stood in his hotel room at a loss for words. Was this really happening? He chalked all of last night up to a few too many drinks on her part and or just trying to entertain herself. There was no way someone as beautiful as her could ever genuinely like him. Well, he was nice to her at a bit of a low moment. She probably was only interested in friendship. He gave a sad smile to the thought and got ready. He grabbed a nice pair of blue jeans and a wrinkle-free-V-cut black tee before gathering his keys. His hair was still damp so he headed back into the bathroom, grabbed the hotel hair dryer, and started to blow it out.

Meanwhile, you were getting ready in your own room. Normally your outfit choice followed the less is more rule in the way of how much skin was covered but Denki was different from other guys. You didn't have to whore yourself out for him to notice you. You looked through your entire closet but struggled to find anything remotely modest. Just as you were about to give up you noticed it. At the very end of the closet was a crumpled blue ball of a very painful reminder of your past. You hesitantly picked up the lightweight dress and held it to your body in the mirror sliding door of the closet. You wore it on your first real date back in high school. Back when you were alive. Your crush had asked you out only for you to be stood up. Pictures of you crying in the park at sunset were taped up everywhere in school the next day with "WAITED 6 HOURS! HOW PATHETIC!! XD" sharpied on them from at least 12 different people's handwriting.

"No, no, no, no, no" you spoke to yourself to will away the memories "He's not like that. He's not like that!"

Without even thinking you were in your drawer and holding a dose of Molly. Just before you took it, you managed to calm down enough to put it away.

"Taking better care of my body. I don't need it. I can do this."

You slipped into the dress, tossed on a pair of white heels, and grabbed the purse you had last night since you didn't want to waste time transferring everything in it to another bag. Washing off your makeup from last night, you decided not to reapply any. You gave yourself one final once over in the mirror and headed to the cafe you told Denki to meet you.

Love Be My Drug || Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now