𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 / / 𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐬

181 8 10

Pairings: John x Alexander

Warnings: fluff, out of character John, spelling and grammar errors

Time: modern

Request: no

"John, we're out of bread!" Alex shouted from the kitchen, not a single care about John's much needed sleep.

A tired groan was heard from the bedroom, followed by John entering the kitchen.

His sweatpants were sagging slightly, his hair was a frizzy mess, and if his drooping eyes didn't send the message that he was tired, then his glare towards Alex definitely did.

"And I needed to be woken up for that, why?" he mumbled, taking a seat on one of the stools surrounding the kitchen bench.

"Because," Alex began, "You're dating me and spending nights at my house. My problems are your problems."

John just rolled his eyes, a tired sigh escaping his lips as he watched Alex begin rummaging through his pantry, "So we have no toast, what am I meant to eat?"

Alex emerged, showing off the colourful box of cereal in his hands, "The other thing you eat when there's no toast."

"I mean, I'm sure there are lots of other options, but whatever you say," John told him, chuckling at Alex's annoyed reaction.

"Just eat your cereal."

Yawning, John reached forward for the cereal, pulling it towards him, before he grabbed the bowl and the milk.

With an innocent look on his face, John tauntingly poured the milk into the bowl, trying not to laugh at Alex's terrified expression.

"What did you do?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"What?" John asked, placing the carton of milk back onto the bench.

"The milk. Why did you pour it in first?" Alex asked, watching as John began pouring the cereal into the bowl, unaware of how disturbed Alex was.

"Isn't that how you normally do it?" he asked tauntingly, waiting for the reaction.

Alex just stared at his boyfriend wide eyed, "No!" he gasped, "No, no one does it like that! Only psychopaths!"

"Alex, just calm down," John said, scarily calm as he took a spoonful of the cereal.

"I can not calm down, John!" Alex cried as he began pacing the kitchen floor.

"What's the big deal?" John began, unknowingly sending Alex's brain into panic mode, "It's just milk."

"Just... just milk?" Alex whispered, earning a shrug from John.

"Just milk." John repeated, a smug look on his face as he poured the milk, trying not to laugh at the sight of Alex going crazy.

"Y-you can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"It's the law!"

John squinted, "I know you're a lawyer... but I don't buy that shit."

"Well," Alex began, placing a hand on his hip, "As you said, I'm the lawyer. I would know."

John pursed his lips, "You would. But I wouldn't believe you."

"Fine, it's not the law. But you still can't eat that."

John arched an eyebrow, "Can't I?"


Picking up the spoon, never breaking eye contact with Alex, John scooped up some cereal.

"What are you doing?"

"Eating my cereal."

With those words, John made the grave mistake of eating the cereal, made with milk before the cereal.

"No!" Alex cried, watching as John swallowed the cereal.

"It tastes fine," John explained, lowering his spoon to get more cereal, when he began coughing.

"John?" Alex asked, worry lacing his words.

No response was heard from John as he fell to the ground with a thud.


Alex rushed around the kitchen bench, kneeling down in front of John, "What's going on?!"

John just continued coughing, tears brimming his eyes.

"John, what do I do?! I-is this an allergic reaction?! What's happening?!" Alex cried at the sight of his boyfriend.

"I..." John coughed, before it shifted to wheezing, "I shouldn't... have done... the milk... first."

Alex rolled his eyes, pushing his boyfriend slightly, "I get it, you're making fun of me."

John's solemn face morphed into one of laughter, "You really thought I was allergic to milk before cereal?!"

With a sigh, Alex answered, "I don't know, it seemed legit."

Through loud laughter, John sat up from the ground, his face centimeters from Alex, "You're adorable when you're worried."

Alex's cheeks burned bright red at the sudden comment, "Sh-shut up!"

"It's true," John said, his laughter dying down, "Well, you're always adorable."

Sighing, Alex stood up, offering his hand to help up John.

"Just promise me this," Alex said, "Promise me that you will never put milk before the cereal again."

John smiled ear to ear, a laugh escaping his lips, "You think I want to go through that again?" Alex sighed in relief as John spoke, "That was the most traumatic thing I've ever been through."

Alex furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "I don't think... eh, whatever."

Smiling, John leaned forward, placing a small kiss on Alex's lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," Alex responded, before walking back to behind the kitchen bench, "Now let's eat some real cereal."

A/N: in hindsight, this would've worked better with Jamilton instead. but it's 1am and I wrote this in like an hour and i can do what i want

also my first one shot kinda sucks. woo

stay safe y'all

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