𝐩𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 / / 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐮

46 3 4

Pairings: none really, just John and Laf being best buds

Warnings: swearing, fluff, this is so ooc it's not even funny

Request: xTheatreSharkx : MAYBE try like Lafayette being a werewolf and then like John being a vampire and them just in any scenario, make them carve pumpkins and jam out like best of buds

Time: modern

A/N: this isn't a romantic one shot, but it is a mess. i apologise.

any French in this has been translated by google, so if there's any mistakes, please let me know so i can correct it

Laf flinched at the sound of the door opening, his ears twitching with anxiety.

"John?" he called out from the kitchen, his tone mixed with nerves and frustration.

"Yeah," he heard John's familiar voice, followed by the door closing shut and footsteps coming closer, "Sorry Laf, I really don't know how else to get inside except through the front door." he explained, deadpanning as he entered the kitchen, met with two pumpkins, Laf stabbing a knife into one.

The Frenchman rolled his eyes, "Well, sorry I'm a little bit paranoid," he said, sarcasm dripping from his words as he scratched at his ears to emphasize his point, "These stupid ears are bad enough this time of year."

"What, your boyfriend doesn't like them?" John asked, a teasing smile on his face.

"Need I remind you I'm holding a knife?" he asked, feeling heat rush to his cheeks, pulling the knife out the pumpkin to point it at John, who just snickered as he held his hands up in surrender.

"All right, all right." he laughed, before his face fell as he finally noticed the pumpkin Laf was stabbing at, "Wait, what time of year is it?"

"Do you ever check a calendar?"

"I forget! I've got a shit memory, and with all the stuff I have to remember I'm not always up with the dates."

Laf sighed, "It's October."

Immediately, John fell forward onto the kitchen bench, banging his forehead back and forth, "FUCK!" he groaned.

Laf continued, ignoring John's dramatic reaction, "So, I thought we could carve pumpkins together."

John immediately stood back up, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows at the werewolf, "You wanna participate... in Halloween?"

Laf just shrugged, John's anger not fazing him in the slightest.

"Dude," John began, his tone signalling that a rant was coming on, "do you know how fucked up Halloween is? Do you know how many humans I've seen dressing up as vampires? Dressing up as werewolves? It's fucking fucked up."

"Of course I know how bad it is. I saw two kids buying fake ears yesterday just for their costumes."

"So why did you buy pumpkins?"

"Because," he shrugged, smiling at John who just seemed confused at his gesture, "Why should we let some humans ruin a perfectly good holiday for us?"

John sighed, nodding slowly, "Damn, why you gotta be so positive all the time?"

Laf shrugged, handing a knife to John, "It's what I do."

In a matter of minutes, Halloween music was playing, the smell of pumpkins was in the air, and John and Laf had carved a weak attempt at a design for pumpkin carving.

"How the hell do people do this so easily?" John groaned, leaving the knife stabbed in the pumpkin and pulling his cramping hand back, shaking it to help with the pain.

Laf huffed, setting his knife on the bench, "I do not know. Humans make it look so easy."

A small smirk made its way on John's lips, "Did your boyfriend make it look easy?"

Laf's expression immediately dropped, his eyes glued to his pumpkin to avoid eye contact with John as an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks, "H-how many times? He's not my boyfriend, we've been on like, three dates."

"Sure he's not..." he teased, nudging the Frenchman with his shoulder.

"Chienne," Laf mumbled, glaring at John.

John brought it hand up his mouth as a gasp left his lips, a sarcastic offended expression in his face, "Watch your language,"

Laf said nothing as he reached inside the carved pumpkin, grabbing a mixture of some kind of pumpkin mush and pumpkin seed, smushing it all over John's face.

John gasped - for real that time, his jaw dropping as he fought back the smile tugging at his lips, "Motherfucker." he said in between laughs, wiping the pumpkin mush from his eyes to see Laf had run from him, knowing that John would retaliate. Reaching into the pumpkin in front of him, John grabbed a similar type of mush and began searching the apartment for Laf. It was a good sized apartment, consisting of the bathroom, two bedrooms and the kitchen/living room (they had a couch and a small tv near the area of the kitchen, which was the closest thing to a living they had). This wasn't John's first rodeo, as small food fights were pretty much a regular occurrence. And while Laf had a few good hiding spots, his go-to spot would always be in the corner of the bathroom next to the sink. It was a good hiding spot, until it got used way too many times. John immediately headed for the bathroom, pushing the door open and towering over Laf, who -as expected was curled up in the corner, a menacing look on his face as held up a fistful of pumpkin mush.

"You need a better hiding spot, dude." John sighed, flinching as Laf threw the pumpkin mush at John's face once again.

As he wiped the mix of seeds and pumpkins off his face, John retaliated by throwing the mush from his hands at Laf's face.

Laf just stood up, headed to the sink, washed his face before turning to face John, "Truce?"

John nodded, pushing Laf from the sink to wash his own face.

"So," he began, getting a towel to dry his face, "why don't you want me bringing up your boyfriend?"

Shrugging, Laf answered, "I don't know. It's complicated."

John scoffed, hanging the towel back on the rack, "Trust me, I can deal with complicated."

A small smile grew on Laf's lips, his gaze was glued to his feet as he continued explaining, "Well... I don't want to... don't want to jinx it. Like, I want him to be my boyfriend, but what if he doesn't think we're boyfriends yet? What if he isn't even looking for a relationship and he was just using me to test the waters or something."

"Well anyone who doesn't wanna be your boyfriend - who isn't already your best friend/roommate - is an idiot. You clearly want him to be your boyfriend, so I think you should tell him that. And if he is just using you then he's an asshole. You deserve a better boyfriend than an asshole. You got that?"

Laf smiled, looking up to meet John's eyes, "Thanks. I really appreciate that."

John smiled back at him, "Well it's true."

Laf wrapped his arms around John, who quickly did the same, hugging him back, before they pulled away and headed out the bathroom door.

"We should probably finish those pumpkins." John mumbled, frowning at his hand that was still sore.

"Ugh, forget the pumpkins." Laf said, "Let's finish watching 'Fear Street'."

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