𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 / / 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲! 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐬 & 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧

100 8 6

Pairings: John x g/n(afab)!reader x Alexander (they/them pronouns used for reader)

Warnings: not proofread and kinda rushed, mentions blood, periods, swearing, fluff, out of character John and Alex maybe??, shitty ending because I suck

Time: modern

Request: --roseykris





Y/N groaned as their blaring alarm turned off. They yawned silently - as to not wake anyone - as they sat up in their shared bed, when they immediately felt a pair of warm arms wrap around them and pull them back down.

"It's too early," Y/N smiled as they heard John's tired voice dragging out the last letter, "Just stay in bed a little longer. Please?"

Y/N huffed, lifting John's arm from their body and sitting up. They'd be lying if they said they wanted to leave. The aching pain in their stomach especially wanted them to stay in bed with their boyfriends, "I have to go, love. Despite their being three of us, we're barely keeping up with the rent."

John groaned, rubbing his freckled face as he sat up in bed to be at eye level with Y/N, "Where is the other one, anyway?"

With a roll of their eyes, Y/N gestured to the other side of them where Alex was sleeping, wrapped up in blankets that John and Y/N would've loved to wear the previous night, "He didn't get to sleep until 1, so he shouldn't be up soon."

John shrugged, "There's a lot of things he shouldn't do, so obviously he'll be up soon."

As if on cue, Alex shot up from the bed, startling both Y/N and John, "I sensed someone talking shit about me!" he announced, earning an eye roll from Y/N.

"I wasn't talking shit about you!" John defended, his cheeks reddening, "It's the truth!"

"Wow," Alex whispered, an offended look taking place in his dark eyes, "Betrayed by the man I call my boyfriend. Y/N, hold me."

It was John's turn to be offended as he gasped at Alex's words, before turning to Y/N, taking their hands in his, "Y/N, do not hold him."

"Y/N please!" Alex whined.

Y/N couldn't help but roll their eyes at their boyfriends antics and at the situation, "It's so early, how do you two still manage to be so much?" John and Alex just shrugged before Y/N responded, "Alright, I'll leave you two to talk or make out. I gotta get ready." they said, dropping John's hands and sliding out of the bed.

Not even two seconds after Y/N left the bed, Alexander's concerned voice called out, "Wait, Y/N."

Y/N groaned, turning back to face them both, "I'm not holding you."

"No, not that," John said, ignoring the frown on Alex's face, "were you bleeding last night?"

Y/N groaned, the cramps in their stomach making a lot more sense, "Fuck."

Alex and John were quick to rush to Y/N's side, wrapping their arms tightly around them.

"It's ok, Y/N," John whispered, "This is nothing to be ashamed about."

"Yeah, it's completely normal," Alex added, "And it's not like you can control it."

"Yeah, doesn't mean that I don't feel like shit the whole week." Y/N mumbled.

"Well, do you wanna go take a nice shower, stay home today, and eat ice cream and chocolate together?"

Y/N felt a smile tugging on their lips at John's suggestion, and they nodded their head.


After a long, warm shower, Y/N returned to their shared bedroom where Alex and John were waiting, a large tub of ice cream with three spoons in front of them both, along with numerous different chocolate bars. As Alex and John saw Y/N walking toward the bed, they brought the small heat pack from underneath the covers, handing it to Y/N as they sat in between the two.

Y/N sighed in relief as they placed the heat pack on their stomach, immediately feeling the heat do its job, "Where'd you guys get all this?" they asked, eyeing the food and snacks on the bed as they cuddled closer between the pair.

"Well someone," Alex began, picking up the tub of ice cream with a pointed look, "ate all the ice cream, so I had to go get some from the 711 next door."

"Alex, we literally saw you eating it last night." John sighed.

"No judgement." Y/N added with a smile.

Alex just rolled his eyes, "Whatever. We have chocolate, ice cream, all we need now is movies."

Y/N couldn't help but smile at everything their boyfriends had done for them, and how supportive they both were.

"Y/N?" they were snapped out of their thoughts by John's slightly concerned voice, "What's up?"

"Nothing," Y/N smiled at them both, cuddling closer between them both, "You two are just the best boyfriends ever."

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