Chapter 28- A Balcony Surprise

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I realized later on that Jay didn't have tourney practice the day after the event. And I didn't know what Jafar gave Jay the day we went to the Isle. And Aziz wouldn't talk to me for a few days after the engagement party.

When we went home to be with our parents, Aziz acted like nothing happened. I was surprised. He knew I wasn't dumb or naïve.

When we got to the palace, I noticed it was more decorated than usual. Mom and Dad were visiting another kingdom, so I didn't expect them to be home. Aziz glanced at me as some of the guards walked out of the palace and opened the door.

My room was Mom's old room, but redecorated. I had a more modern touch. I had a four-poster bed with coral-colored sheets. There were pictures around my vanity of my friends and family. A couple of pictures of Jay and me were hanging on the back of my door. The teal veils that cloaked my balcony and my bed were shimmering in the light.

"Mom and Dad are going to be back in an hour," Aziz informed me.

I nodded, and he left the room. I fell onto the chair in front of my vanity. I took my hair out of my braid and brushed it out. I danced around my room to music afterward while Mochi rested on my bed.

Mochi hissed loudly, startling me. She moved her tail to point at the balcony. It was more lit up than usual. I yelped and froze when I saw a figure of black. It bowed, and I knew who it was immediately.

"You don't sneak onto a girl's balcony, Jayden," I scolded playfully, brushing aside the curtain.

He smiled, his brown eyes sparkling in the light. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I curtsied playfully. "What brings you here? Here to whisk me away on a carpet?"

"Aziz offered," Jay admitted.

"So this is what you were planning," I realized, smiling. "I should've known it wasn't Tourney."

Jay chuckled. "No, it wasn't." He took a deep breath. "But there's more."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

I jumped, turning toward my room. I hid Jay behind the wall as I turned to face my mother.

"Everything's fine, Mom. Aziz is in his room," I assured her.

She nodded as I heard my father call her name. She ran off, probably worried something happened.

"Hiding me from your parents?" Jay teased.

"Like every girl who has a boy on her balcony at night when her parents don't know he's here." I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"They actually do know I'm here."

"Really? So this must be important."

"It is." Jay took my hands in his. "(Y/n), I knew you were skeptical of me when we first met. I'm the son of your parents' enemy, and I understood. I'm happy to have gained your trust and love so much, and have come so far in the almost two years we've known each other. And that is the reason I'm here."

Jay got down on one knee. I froze. My heart skipped a beat. This was really happening. It wasn't a dream. Jay pulled out a velvet-covered box and opened it. Inside was a silver ring with a turquoise stone set in the middle. His smile was contagious, and I couldn't help but grin in shock. I cupped my hands over my mouth.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?" Jay asked softly, his eyes wide with hope.

"Jay, yes. Yes, of course I'll marry you," I blurted, removing my hands with a smile.

Jay got up and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Literal fireworks went off in the sky. I pulled away and laughed, knowing Jay had this all planned out before this. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto my finger.

I looked down, noticing my mom and dad. They were sitting on the fountain, watching the fireworks. Aziz waved at me as he walked out of the castle.

"Woo! My sister's engaged!" Aziz cheered.

"I'm engaged!" I echoed, realizing the reality.

Jay took my hand and twirled me, smiling at the way I laughed. I hugged him after, warmth filling my chest. Jay was my fiance. And I couldn't be happier than to be his fiancee.

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