Chapter 5: Rescue 2/5 days (real world)

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Izuku pov

I went to review the plan for Eri's rescue, well apparently this can be simpler, we just have to destroy part of the place and rescue Eri, in case Maria and I go to Eri's rescue, while the rest distract the Yakuza people, I rescue her and hand her over to Maria who will teleport them both to a safe location, so Kaina will stay in one of the nearby buildings in case Overhaul tries anything, so me, Alice, Mauro, Aika and Ivan will hold them long enough to When heroes arrive, they will ask who we are and we introduce ourselves as "The Rise of the Blue Lotus" and only then can we return.

Obviously we will be seen as vigilantes, but it doesn't matter.

(NOTE: I forgot to show Aika Yamaoka so there she is)

(NOTE: I forgot to show Aika Yamaoka so there she is)

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(This art is mine)

As soon as the rest wake up I start explaining the plan to them, everyone there prepares for the attack.

The attack would take place at noon, we patiently waited until the right moment and. . . we started the attack, Aika used her quirk to break most of the structure which caught the attention of the people inside, as soon as the distraction started Maria and I went to the place where Eri was kept and getting there, II wasn't in my Smiler form anymore, just so I wouldn't make the girl any more terrified than she should have been.

Izuku: Hello Eri.

Scared Eri: H-Hello w-Who are you?

Izuku: My name is Izuku Yagi, my group and I came here to rescue you.

Eri: R-rescue me?

Izuku: Yes.

I open the door to the place where she stands on the punch.

Eri: Are you a hero?

Izuku: I'm no hero, but I don't consider myself a bad person either.

Eri: What are you guys going to do to me?

Izuku: Give you a family you deserve and love you.

Eri starts crying with happiness.

Izuku: Maria, take her to a safe place.

Maria: Yes.

Izuku: I'm counting on you.

Maria: (IIIIII)

I go to the battleground and I don't know what I missed for this to happen

I go to the battleground and I don't know what I missed for this to happen

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Izuku: Let's attack with everything!

Ivan: Я думал, ты никогда этого не скажешь (I thought you would never say that)

Mauro: Lasst uns diesen schwarzen Pestdoktor aus dem Deepweb besiegen! (Let's give this deepweb black plague doctor a beating!)

Alice: Saiko! (Here we go!)

Aika/Kaina: Ike! (Go!)

We all go to our backroom forms except Aika and Kaina.

Aika punches that thing that does a lot of damage to her, Kaina shoots Overhaul, Ivan keeps chopping the creature, Mauro shoots the creature several times with his modified shotgun and I keep attacking with my claws and scythe, as soon as we defeat him I I go to him and cover his arms and hands with shadows that totally block touch, only I can remove. . .


They were heroes who came to see what was happening. . .

Hero 2: WHO ARE YOU?!

Izuku: We. . . we are The Rise of the Blue Lotus. . .

Maria quickly comes and transports us back to the forest, something I didn't mention is that since we arrived we've all improved our shelter, when I get there I'll talk to Eri e. . .

Eri: Mr.Izuku?

Izuku: Hmm?

Eri: You said you would be my family now right?

Izuku: Yes.

Eri: So you would be my daddy?

Izuku (IIIIII): Eri. . .

Eri with puppy ​​eyes.

Izuku: Yes, I will be your father.

Eri: And will the girl who brought me be my mom?

Izuku (IIIIII): Eri. . .

Maria (IIIIII): I don't see why not.

Eri: Yayyy!

At this moment everyone there has a cuteness attack and softly Alice says

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At this moment everyone there has a cuteness attack and softly Alice says

Alice (whispering): Koun'na (lucky)

So another day ends, I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow, but my strength is renewed every day in the morning, if Nathan didn't write the other three days before the USJ then it's because we really shouldn't know by now, or he wanted to give us the pleasure of venturing out for ourselves.

715 words

Izuku the creature of backroomsWhere stories live. Discover now