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the characters: (names, nicknames, ages, and siblings)

Flora (Flor) Keys, 15 - Harry (twin brother)

Holli (Hol) Darque, 15 - Dean (older brother)

Angelica (Jelli) McIntyre, 15

Arwen Miller, 16 - Seraphina (sister) and Zach (brother)

Seraphina (Sera) Miller, 14 - Zach (twin brother) and Arwen (older sister)

Kamara (Kam) Picke, 16 - Cameron (older brother)

Ross Blackwood, 17

Wren Delaney, 14

Cosima Murphy, 17 - Twila (sister) and Oliver (brother)

Twila (T) Murphy, 14 - Cosima (sister) and Oliver (brother)

Hannely (Hanna) Reyes, 16 - Miles (brother) and Sam (brother)

Armani Blake, 13 - Luke (older brother)

Reverie Griffin, 15 - Ryder (step brother)

Devona (Dev) David, 15 - Kaz (twin brother)

Michele Rose, 17 - Liam (brother)

Lyra Vance, 13 - Cole (brother)

Sam Reyes, 15 - Hannely (sister) and Miles (brother)

Chase Carter, 16

Oliver Murphy, 15 - Cosima (sister) and Twila (sister)

Luke Blake, 17 - Armani (sister)

Harry Keys, 15 - Flora (twin sister)

Zach Miller, 14 - Seraphina (twin sister) and Arwen (older sister)

Cameron Picke, 17 - Kamara (sister)

Liam (Arrow Rose), 16 - Michele (older sister)

Kaz David, 15 - Devona (twin sister)

Ryder Griffin, 16 - Reverie (step sister)

Miles Reyes, 16 - Hannely (twin sister) and Sam (younger brother)

Dean Darque, 17 - Holli (younger sister)

Cole Vance, 15 - Lyra (younger sister)

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