Chapter Five

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We sat there making out for what seemed like hours on end, it felt right for her to be in my arms and for our lips to be together again. It was nice up until her damn phone started ringing, at first she ignored it which I was happy about, but that happiness quickly came to an end when not even a minute later it started ringing again.

I never wanted to smash a phone so badly in my life.

"Maybe you should answer it," I said as I started kissing down her neck pulling her body closer towards mines

"No, whoever is on the phone can wait," she pulls my head closer to her neck as she moans lightly. If there would have been people nearby they would have thought that we were doing the nasty or something. We started to get back into kissing when it decided to ring again.

"Come on Mya it could be something important though," I push her back a little as I sit up. The ringing stopped for a little while but then started back up not even a second later. Somebody better be dying by how many times her phone has been going off. "Seriously Mya answer the phone because somebody is trying to reach you, it could be important."

"Ugh fine" she sat up wrapping her legs around my waist as she digs into her purse looking for her phone. I take a glimpse to see who the cockblocker was thinking that it was her dad or something, but to my dismay I saw the name Malik come across her screen. And by Malik I mean her ex-boyfriend.

"I thought that you said that you were done with him Mya?"

"I am done, but he won't leave me alone. I even changed my number a couple of times but somehow he finds it and continues to keep calling me," she sighs tossing the phone back into her purse.

"Yeah sure you did," I mumble looking away, the mood is now dead.

"Oh please don't start that shit now Tanner, I thought that we were over this," she states aggravated.

"We are," I shrug my shoulders attempting to act nonchalant about the situation even though it was bothering me.

"Then why are you acting like this. It's not like I ask him to keep calling me almost every damn day!"

"Look I just think that it is weird that you haven't put a restraining order on him or better yet block his goddamn number. Because the feeling that I am getting right now is that you still have feelings for him and just saying that you want nothing to do with him because you think that that is what I would like to hear."

"That is not true," she pushes me away as she quickly gets up.

"Mya you still have his fucking number in your phone, dammit I am not going to be repeating what the fuck has happen in high school all over again!" I get up looking at her happy that we, as I know of, are the only two people in the park.

"But I am done with him Tanner what point of that do you not understand?!"

"For all that I know, you could be using me to get over him just like you did back in high school."

"High school, we are grown adults Tanner. The past is the past leave it there!"

"You know what Mya you will never know what the fuck I had to deal with in high school, and don't fucking say that you do because you came in the midst of junior year so you didn't know what I was going through." Now I was pissed the fuck off, if she were to stand in my shoes for all four years of high school then she would why the fuck I am like this. "Have you ever been bullied before Mya?" I look at her to see her arms crossed over her chest as her left leg bounces up and down.

"No," she says not even looking at me.

"Then don't you ever let me hear you tell me that I need to leave the past in the past," I sit back down on the grass resting my head in my arms.

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