_chapter nine_ pasta

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I feel awkward joining the call Wilburs on. It's been a whole week since I saw him in person, and I've been avoiding him.

He went out of his way to send me a message about lore. I promised I would help him out, and I am a person of my word if anything else.

"Hello?" I say a few seconds after I join the call. He didn't say anything, but I don't think he's deafened.

"Hello?" he says a solid minute afterwards.

"You good?"

"Yeah I heard something weird outside my office and got confused." He sounds like he's sitting back down.

"Confused?" I question, "Or scared?"

"Shut up," he mumbles before starting on his points.

We talk through a betrayal he has planned. We wanted to make sure it was the right person to betray since they've already have had two on the smp. It would be the third. like the holy trinity is how he explained it.

Tommy joins the call after a while, wanting Wilbur to join his stream.

"Ah, I'm sorry mate," Wilbur apologizes, genuinely sounding a little sad, "I'm just not in a streaming kind of mood."

"It's okay," Tommy says, "I'm starting in a little bit if you guys change your minds."

Wilbur hums a response as he sends me a google doc. I start to look over the full plan.

"Did I tell you about my fan encounter?" Tommy asks.

"Don't think so," Wilbur types out in all caps who he wants to be the betrayer. I laugh quietly at the aggressiveness but also at the name.

"I was out with some friends, and this kid was standing in the same aisle as us at the store." Tommy goes into a full detailed description of the kids outfit. His memory is more worrying than the fan. "Anyways, he's just standing there and staring, so we ask if he's alright. Well, all he responded with was TommyInnit."

Wilbur chuckles. "Some fans just don't know how to talk when they see someone from their screen in real life."

I nod my head even though neither can see. It is weird seeing them in real life. I don't know this from being a fan, but from seeing Wilbur at the market. I couldn't even form words.

"They probably just need a second to understand what's going on," I defend since I did the same thing.

"I'm not saying it's wrong," Tommy chuckles a bit, "but I'm just a normal person."

"Maia, imagine how many people that are fans have walked right by you since you're faceless." Wilbur laughs at his realization, unknowing that he's done the exact same thing.

"You have no idea," I mumble under my breath.

I consider it for a moment, if I should tell him what happened, but I think I'll keep this one to myself for a bit. At least until I know he's probably forgotten it. Who knows how good his memory is.

"GOGY" Tommy yells out as someone new joins the call.

"Hello!" George sounds slightly out of breath and outside as he talks.

"Where are you?" I ask, "Did you actually go outside for once?"

Wilbur and Tommy laugh at my joke, but George is unamused.

"I'm walking to your flat," George says.

"What?" My brows furrow at him inviting himself over. "Why?"

"I want pasta, and I know you have some left," he says it as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're just inviting yourself?" Wilbur asks.

I can just imagine George shrugging. "I'm hungry."

I roll my eyes. "What a valid reason."

"I'm on your street," George says after a second, "see you in like two minutes."

"I'll unlock the door for you," I mumble as I get up.

We both get off the call once he walks into my place. I'm heating the pasta up for both of us since I know he'll eat it all if I don't claim my own.

"Do you ever get recognized?" I ask him as I hand him the bowl.

"Yeah, pretty often I'd say." George shrugs.

"Do you think people would recognize me?"

"I doubt it since you're faceless, but maybe if you talked." George takes a huge bite then talks with his mouth full. "Why?"

I shrug, not sure I want to tell George. He has the tendency to blurt things out sometimes, not because he can't keep a secret. Because George can't keep little things a secret. He's perfect with big secrets, but not the ones he doesn't think are important.

"Why happened?" He gives me a pointed look, knowing me better than I thought he did.

I chew the inside of my cheek. "I sorta kind of saw someone."

"A fan? Did they recognize you?"

"Um," I glance up at the ceiling as I put my thoughts together. "Not a fan. It was... It was Wilbur?" It sounds like a question leaving my mouth even though it for sure happened.

"Wilbur got a face reveal?" George's voice sounds questioning. I guess he always thought he'd be there for this kind of stuff.

"No, he didn't know it was me, but it was definitely him." I end up explaining everything that happened.

George listens intently before laughing. "This would only ever happen to you."

"Shut up, do I tell him or not?"

George just shrugs. "I don't see why you can't. I think it's funny that he probably won't remember it. You could make fun of him for it."

"You're probably right." I shake my head before taking a bite of my noodles. "I'm probably overthinking it."

"I'm always right."

"Shut up." I roll my eyes.

"It definitely is." He nods in agreeance to his own point. "I have always been right, and you're just too afraid to admit it."

"You are almost always wrong, George." I stand to grab a slice of bread.

"No I definitely had better grades growing up." He looks at me expectantly for a piece as well.

I shake my head to what he said and to the bread. "That's not true, and we both know it."

"Can I just have some bread?" He drops the conversation, probably because he did not have the better grades.

"No," I smile mischievously, "This is for people who are nice to me."

"I could do nice thin-"

"George, stop." I raise my brows in a warning sense.

He props his chin on his hands and smiles. "That's funny because I'm not usually asked to stop. They usually say to keep goin-"

He stops talks as a piece of bread flies at his face. It smacks him before falling perfectly in his bowl.

Dropping the conversation, he takes a big bite of it and gives a smile with food all in his teeth.

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