P4: Hogwarts Express

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The Brothers' last month with the Dursleys was the same as usual. The Dursleys were now even more afraid of Y/n and now Harry that they would stay in the same room most of the time , in fact, they didn't speak to them at all. They acted as though any chair occupied by one of them were empty.

Y/N kept mainly to their room, Salem and Harry keeping him company. He spent most of his time reading or Training, often found late into the night with a flashlight in his hand absorbing the words on his new books. Y/n find out how the Ministry tracks wands and Magic, but turns out y/n's wand like the elder wand is to powerful to be traced by them so Y/n could use magic however, he pleased.

Harry, too, kept to their room, but spent his time playing with Hedwig as well as cleaning up after her (she had developed a rather unfortunate habit of bringing back dead mice to her new owner).

Each night before they went to bed, Harry would always tick off another day on the calendar they had pinned to the wall, counting down to September the first.

On the last day of August, they knew they'd better speak to their aunt and uncle about getting to King's Cross station the next day, and y/n was only one not scared

Y/n: Hey Uncle V

Vernon: What is it Y/n

Y/n: I need you to take me and Harry to king's cross in London tomorrow, to go to Hogwarts

Vernon wanted to say no but Y/n scared the hell out of him even more now that he had magic

Vernon: Alright

Y/n: Ok then

Y/n started walking back upstairs till Vernon spoke up

Vernon: Funny wat to get to a wizards' school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they?

Y/n: Are you trying to tic me off or make laugh

Vernon(scared): W-Where is this school, anyway?

Y/n: Don't know, Don't care. Just be ready in the morning

Vernon: Fine we have to go to London anyway

Y/n: Why

Vernon: Taking Dudley to the hospital , boy got food poisoning

Y/n then started to laugh out loud and went to his room

The Next Day after much checking of their heavy trunks to make sure they had anything, making sure their pets were safely shut in their cages, loading them into the car, and much frightened complaining from Dudley about having to sit next to the Harry, they were on their way.

They reached King's Cross at half past ten. Uncle Vernon dumped their trunks onto carts and helped Harry wheel his into the station for him. Harry thought this was strangely kind until Uncle Vernon stopped dead

Vernon: There now Goodbye

Vernon got back into the car and drove off

After walking around some, Y/N spotted what appeared to be a family with flaming red hair, four of which were pushing a large trunk much like theirs. One of them even had an owl. An older woman, presumably the mother, was having a swift conversation with the only other girl, clearly the
youngest, and y/n thought the girl was Adorable

As they approached they saw what looked to be the oldest boy march toward platforms nine and ten. Careful not to blink, terrified they would miss it, the brothers watched - but just as the boy reached the dividing barrier between the two platforms, a large crowd of tourists came swarming in front of him and by the time the last backpack had cleared away, the boy had vanished.

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