P3: A Nice Train Ride

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[The Ford Anglia is parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it. In the station, Y/n, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves.]

Mr. Weasley: 10:58. Come on, come on!

Mrs. Weasley: Train will be leaving any moment!

Mr. Weasley: Fred, George, Percy, you first!

Fred pushes his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George

Mrs. Weasley: [patting Ginny on the back] Okay.

[Ginny and Y/n push there carts and run through the wall Mr. and Mrs. Weasley follow]


Y/n was on the train with Ginny trying to find an empty compartment to seat, Y/n opened one to see there was there was a light blonde headed girl sitting in there alone

Y/n: Pardon me, do you mind if we seat in with you

???: Go ahead

The two sat down and the blonde girl keep staring at Y/n

???: Your Y/n Potter

Y/n: That would be me, and you are

???: Luna Lovegood

Y/n: Nice to meet you Luna, This is Ginny

Luna: Nice to meet you Ginny

Ginny: You too

Y/n: I'll be right back

In a instinct Y/n was gone but he soon back and Hermione was sitting in front of him with wide eyes

Hermione: What the heck was that

Y/n: Teleportation

Ginny: When did you learn that

Y/n: Yesterday

Y/n then introduced Hermione and Luna and the four started talking while the train pulled off, a short while later the Candy lady came by to see if they wanted anything which Y/n got something for them all, A while later the door opened and the person at front makes Y/n and Hermione groan

Draco: Well, Well, Well, Look at the filth thats in this one

Hermione: Is there a reason your here

Draco: No reason, looks like your boyfriends not here to protect you

Y/n: Sup Malfoy

Draco turned to him and got a scared look in his eyes

Draco: M-my father has not forgot what you did to him

Y/n: You can tell Thranduil, that I don't care, now good bye

Y/n snapped his fingers and Draco and his friends were gone

Y/n: I love my power

After a few minutes Y/n had decided to look out the window and when he did he smiled like a crazed person and looked at Hermione

Y/n: Hermione I'm a good person right

Hermione: Yea

Y/n: Yea i am and I do good for everyone, especially my brother but now I'm gonna do a bad thing a very bad thing

Hermione: Like what

Y/n: I'm gonna kill my brother

All(except for Y/n): What?

Y/n: I'm gonna kill him im gonna kill him dead, then I'm gonna kill Ron, I'll kill 'em both

Hermione: What is wrong with you

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