P7: Good Student

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Y/n and Hermione were now talking while walking to there first class, with both of them talking about there life

Y/n: So, Whens your birthday

Hermione: September 19, 1979

Y/n: Wow, mines September 10, 1979

Hermione: I guess your older

Y/n: Only by 9 days

The two then finally made it to us none there, only a cat

Hermione: Where's the professor

Y/n: She's right there Princess

Hermione: Don't be silly Y/n, That's a cat

Y/n: Professor McGonagall is a Animagis, meaning she can turn herself into an animal. Ain't that right Professor!?

The cat jumps off the desk and transforms into Professor McGonagall and she then walks towards us, I look at Hermione who has a shocked look on her face.

McGonagall: Impressive, Mr. (L/n). not many first years can recognize an Animagis, let alone identify the individual, How did you know

Y/n: I read all about them and learned how to spot them out, plus I saw the spell with these eyes

He then pointed to his eyes that were still golden

McGonagall: Impressive as predicted. Seeing as you and Ms. Granger are the first ones here, please pick a seat.

Y/n and Hermione picked there sits next to each other and started talking again

Hermione: What happen to your eyes

Y/n: When I touched the sword my eyes changed, I can see magic and what spell was use, things like that

Hermione: Where is your sword

Y/n: Back at my private dorm, I can summon it when I need to

Hermione: You have you own private dorm

Y/n: Yea, best part about it is I have my private library with hundreds of books

Hermione almost faints hearing this

Hermione: R-really, you like reading

Y/n: Yea what's not to love

A few minutes later and more students start filing in and class starts. A while later and still no sign of Ron and Harry

Hermione: Where do you think they are

Y/n: About to run in here

Hermione: How do you kn-

Just then the doors fling open and Ron and Harry rush in, clearly out of breath.

Ron: We made it. can you imagine McGonagall's face if we were late.

Y/n was about to say something when Professor McGonagall transforms from cat to human and approaches the shocked boys.

Ron: That was brilliant.

McGonagall: Why thank you for that assessment. Perhaps it'd be better if I transfigured Mr. Potter and you into a watch. That way ne of you might be on time.

Harry: We got lost.

McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.

The class ends awhile later and they all head to Potions class, oh boy. As Y/n converse with Hermione, Professor Snape walks in.

Snape: There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few...

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