chapter 1:brief backstory of shin pendragon

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Backstory on this Shinji/Shido
In this timeline of the Nasuverse mordred got drunk,had a one night stand,got pregnant and then had a child on the year the battle of camlonn was supposed to take place but after mordred had the child something in her awakened which affected her allowing her to mature a bit and tone down her rowdy behavior(she is still a rowdy just not as much)

She raised her son Shinji pendragon as best as she could even though she didn't know what the fuck she was doing most of the time(she sometimes asked the other knights of the round and usually danced around the truth when they asked why "he" needs to know that) but that all change after six years when Morgan got impatient and said "I should have done this a long time ago" and mind controls mordred into initiating a rebellion and went up against Arthur/artoria and they still ended up stabbing eachother but the only real difference is that mordred just had a smile saying thank you for freeing me father before she collapsed and dies with artoria being very confused on what mordred meant.

The the whole part with bedivere throwing Excalibur into the lake still happens.

Now here is where shin comes into play.
Shin is a relatively passive child not really much of troublemaker,he enjoys cooking,training with his mom, breathing fire which he does outside in an open field because he is not allowed to do it in the house anymore (reason why is because he almost burned down the house that one time he burped fire)and practicing magic outside(although it's only the basics and said spells usually blow up in his face because he is self taught)

3 days After the battle of camlonn shin is worried about his mom because she hasn't returned in three days so he went to look for her in Camelot because he knows his mother is a knight of the round but when he gets there he sees it completely destroyed and a bunch of bodies littered the battlefield with him throwing up at first but then realizing that his mother could be very hurt so he goes around looking for her only to see that some of the surviving knights are repeatedly stabbing and kicking her mother's corpse and calling her a traitor,false knight,bitch,ECT.

When shin hears this he is in disbelief not believing a word they are saying because he knows how is mother acts and knows how loyal she is to the Kings so in his mind he believes that they are the traitors and are trying to blame his mother for it.

At this point shin loses it with him falling into a blind rage and killing the knights.
When he wakes up he has no recollection of this so he just picks up his mother's body and takes her close to their home and buries her on top of cliff that overlooks a sun set he would of taken Clarent but decides against it so he just puts on display over her grave.

After this shin would wander the world befriending many hero's,famous artist,author's,cooks,and many more due to his good kind hearted nature that they usually feel around him.
Shin also learns all kinds of swords styles forms,horse riding,sailing, magic,runes,senjutsu(I'll explain during the miku arc why be know's this) and hand to hand combat styles fighting styles and still lives in his childhood home(that he usually renovates and expands on and hides from the world using magic)

He also has Avalon that he just stumbled upon and it reacted to him so he kept it making him immortal(as long as his head is still attached)and Excalibur which was given to him by the lady of the lake(mostly because she was bored and wanted to see how this all turned out)

During the first two Holy grail wars shin wasn't really interested at first BUT during the third holy grail war was when he got involved because his mother was summoned(yes this is the apocrypha timeline so no fate zero,stay night,ubw,heavens feel 1-3,snow oath,and prisma illya because those timelines usually had angra manyu summoned during the third holy grail war but since that didn't happen in the apocrypha timeline it doesn't really work here)

Shido pendragon the son of mordred pendragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें